So...What Do You Guys Want To See For This Episode's Bonus Rewards?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Heywiar, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Deluge wasnt bigger or free, it was just the starro event nobody played with 1 new raid and a solo. It also costs 5 dollars.

    Its not that this episode has less content, it has the same amount as the previous ones*, just badly distributed in my opnion (if they cant handle 2 raids or a solo stop the bounties).

    *Atlantis was an exception because deluge was a half dlc like zoo, almost everything was done from the previous year and they used it to spend time on atlantis.
  2. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I liked Ivys hairstyle, but I definitely agree that we should be able to get Harleys new hair!

    Also not related to this episode, there were some Zatanna posters hanging on the walls in the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane raid. I want them as base items! I know Zatanna isn't in this episode, but Mordru is, and we last saw him in JLD, so it kinda ties in.
  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'd like to have the turrets that appear on the Validus fight as a turret pet trinket.
    The Car dropping orbital strike the devs were joking about already is also on my wishlist (bring back the 10% dmg increase for the associated dlc's too for those trinkets please).