So how does the new skill point thing work?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bioinc Skull, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Is it just now 6 pts for each innate or is it a completely new (SEPERATE from the current 4 pts one) set of innates, and if so what stats are used and do they vary from the current innates.

    Also how many SPs is required to max out a role now?
  2. Dogzday Dedicated Player

  3. Statman New Player

    4 new innates in each tree, each require 6 to max out. I believe Octantis's skil point thread is updated, though I've not checked it out myself (just heard he updated it).
  4. Gunny New Player

    To answer your other question, I believe the new targets to max role-related innates after this update should be around 110-115 or so for your support roles, and about 145 or so for DPS.

    Keep in mind, those values will land you max ROLE-RELATED stats ONLY, along with movement upgrades only. The innates in your movement tree are NOT included in those values, nor are extra weapon abilities.
  5. Octantis New Player

    Why thanks for the shout out :) And yes, it's updated.

    It should answer all your questions, or at least I hope it does!