Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by chaoticRE, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. chaoticRE Well-Known Player

    Just wanted to give some input on what I think the SM community is like on USPC.
    Keep in mind I see maybe 4-6 groups trying to form a day but lets take a look at how ridiculous their criteria is for a good/expert player.

    [LFG](player): GLF exp HEAL FOR SM PST cr/sp

    These are just two I've seen recently but my real point is
    1) Skill points do not determine skill at ALL anymore
    2) This veteran player elitism is preventing new high combat rating players from running the instance.

    I've been playing for 4 years but joined PC 3 months ago after a very long break off PS so I don't have 200 sp yet or not even close. Before you say it yes, I know I can form my own groups, or the casual reply "get a league" and I can and have both those things. But I'm not angry, just sad to see the ignorance of some old players.

    P.S.- I made this thread for USPC because I have no idea what its like on PS anymore and I assume you can form a group much faster and with less BS.
  2. TestReporter Loyal Player

    U talking about bigdaddydru, hes been like that for 2 years or more.
    If a player is making his own group, we can't say anything, if you want to join with less SP than the "required" sp for that group, you gotta make your own group.
    PS and PC are going to have crossplay, soon everyone will meet Mr competent and 200sp+ shouts.
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Skill points do not determine skill, but they do increase survivability to a certain extent. I believe the 150-160 is when diminishing returns for skill points kicks in.

    People who want people with 200 skill points just want people who have been around long enough to know their role.
    People put up those requirements because in the past many new players have high CR and little to no skill points and are just getting carried and being detrimental to the group.
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  4. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    SP increase your effectiveness in role
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I've said all along, but people do continue to bitterly argue with me about it. skill points do not "prove skill" but they are indicative of it.

    A person with more skill points is "generally speaking" a safer bet in terms of a player being good when it comes to top end content.

    I find it somewhat funny too, you're crying about so called "elitism" in a game mode that has been designed specifically for the elite.

    This particular survival mode hasn't really interested me, I don't like the styles or pets; so I haven't really bothered with it too much, but if it is your thing then the answer is simple even though you scoff at it.

    • get your skill points up to prove your worth.
    • join a league of like minded individuals.
    • form or create your own groups.
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  6. Veritech Loyal Player

    Sp increases maximum potential in a role. They only make good players better.

    Some players will never realise that potential no matter how many sp they have. A poor player with 240sp is still a poor player.

    The argument is always 'well that 240sp player has put more effort in and therefore is better'. Not necessarily - most feats save a handful are quite easy to obtain, or be carried through.

    The only way to know if someone is truly good is to have run with them before. Calling for high sp is futile. Funnily it's a hero thing, and those that try on uspc villain lfg usually get ridiculed.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    there's actually people on USPC villain side, outside of one league, capable of running anything? :p
  8. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Oh I whole heartily agree with that, I was just offering a reason why some people may ask for SP
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  9. Veritech Loyal Player

    Touché :p
    Tbh hero pugs are worse I play both sides and pugging latest content heroside is always the greatest challenge.