SM Coordination Hub

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by K3str3lDC, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I want to make this thread both for myself and players at large. I have several things I want but, like many don't really have anyone to coordinate with and am stuck PUGging and having..... not the greatest time with it lol. I would like for this thread to be a place for those people and those that want to help or just need a fourth person to communicate, whether it's for one run or multiple. In my case:

    I am a college student, so may not always be able to schedule for specific times and know I'll be available at them, but we can add each other in-game so we can see when each other get on and send tells and such. I currently have 3 toons on cr:
    WandatheHuntress: Quantum, DPS
    HLADamian: Gadgets, DPS/Controller
    Atomikit: Atomic, DPS/Tank

    If you want any more info on any of the three, feel free to either ask me or use the DCUO Bot!
  2. Rainnifer Committed Player

    As a general tip, try using LFG more instead of pugging things like this. Groups from LFG are usually much much better than PUG ones. This is a good start tho
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The only issue with LFG is that at this point many groups are not willing to start at level 1. For every group that is looking for a 'fresh' run there are 25 groups looking to start at a more advanced level. I'd guess this will change as more groups make it to 30 and can go back just to collect loot from the early rounds after reset, but many are still interested in 'advancing' only and won't re-tred to bring someone new up. But yes...infinitely better than trying to queue in randomly.

    That having been said, STARTING your own group is always an option.

    PS. I always consider 'PUG' to mean group you put together or 'Pick up' in LFG. I look at groups as 3 levels...1) League/Friends runs, 2) PUG (meaning using shout or LFG/Trade to recruit members) and 3) Queue in...just random queuing in. I appear to be in the minority though as PUG is usually synonymous with a Queue in group as far as this forum is concerned. Not an issue, just felt I'd mention it...odd to me is all.
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