SM Base items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DaBatmanX, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Ok every now and then I find some of the oan or fortress base items on broker and I'm wondering where are they getting these items. Since there is no more survival mode is there somewhere else that these items are rarely dropping ?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Nope, just people that stashed them away for a rainy day to sell.
  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I don't think they are dropping anywhere, but there are many guys with some base items from the past years (i still have some from FOS), i hope we have SM back one day or another, but in the worst case scenario, i'll be holding my items to sell them in the future. There are many others doing the same and i guess when they run out of money they put them on the broker.
  4. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Well I'm willing to buy some off u guys. What type of price range we looking at?
  5. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    It's a shame , these items can't be put bought on the mp or maybe placed in the p.lockboxes. can someone tag mepps or meg and see if this is possible since there are no plans for sm to return
  6. Dene Devoted Player

    doesn't oan stuff drop in game? Maybe not all of it but i've seen some.. same with fortress consoles etc