
Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by KelvmorLyonsbane, May 4, 2016.

  1. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    I want to start off by saying I fully support the devs plan to change the way CR and stats work in the game.. My concern is this. You've just launched on a new console and you've got a game where people are going to reach high cr very quickly and be doing end game content with low SP. Xbox players would have to virtually start from the bottom and scratch their way through groups because the PC and PS players have far higher stats. The thread I wanted to reply in was closed, so I'm making my point here. You're left with either having to make Skill points easier to get thusly devaluing them and upsetting vets, or take away CR from players who have geared too quickly and risk alienating new players who just want to see the whole game in a reasonable timeframe.
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  2. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    I just really hope the impact on everyone as a whole is looked at before the decision is made to make CR worthless. I give it a week before players on Xbox are 150cr with less than 70sp and PS and PC players are complaining about it.
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  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    lol dude Xbox has it's own separate server, we can't play with them
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  4. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Or... We can realise that even in a Direct Stat system players would still be able to progress fairly fast. I mean even the "normal" rate of progression is MUCH higher than it was at the beginning of the game. Of those that make it past level 30 a fair chunk of players get past tier 1 and 2 without even knowing how to power level.

    On the matter of skill points even on PC/PS skill points don't progress that far to be honest.On US (CrossPlay) there are 172 622 characters that have 77 or more skill points but 897 461 that are able to get them that high. That's just about 20% of players that even care about meeting the bare minimum to get critical innates. This hasn't changed much either even before CR differential has been in effect.

    The real lesson here: skill points have never really been THAT big of a deal to enjoy and play the game. Players just make it seem like they are.
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  5. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says skill points do matter and if you disagree with him you are a buffoon. The People will take his time on Xbox getting his skill points up even if that means not jumping to Cr 30 in two days. A peon put in Lfg chat need t4 duo partner and the people sent him a message asking how many skill points they had. His reply was 32. This made the Iron Bull sick.
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  6. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    That doesn't change the fact that its incredibly easy to progress through cr and those issues are going to arise with them.
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  7. PSYL0CKE X8 Well-Known Player

    Xbox players shouldn't be able to lvl that fast without the high lvl plays to run them in. they should be stuck in raids for hours figuring out how to beat it.Who wants to leave a high lvl character to go play with and teach brand new characters and have to spend all the money u did on pc/ps on the xbox and pay for two memberships.

    I don't feel sorry for anyone who hasn't been getting feats and using synthetic mods instead of using the mod plans to mod your gear.

    feats=skill points=higher/ more stats
    and its simple when improving a character on any game you want a higher lvl/stats that come with it to face and beat higher lvl enemy's

    And if you wear synthetic six's on Tier 8 gear. I'm voting to kick period. Use the plans to make mods. same tier mods with same tier gear = best results
    extra Stats no matter how small of imporvment = stronger than i was yesterday.

    Using your skill points to give yourself more health on your character in a game =MORE HEALTH(better stats) to survive longer to be able to compete with the enemy

    Lastly Gear comes with higher stats that let you be able to beat a higher enemy that wearing lower gear. and increasing those said stats with more stats from skill pionts given by Feats improves your chances even more. Like geanerator mods and elite affinty mods/stats do.

    why go after Elite gear if you don't want to improve your stats?.

    If you are not doing Elite raids and only sticking with the regular set of gear than you are like Mepps said not going after all aspects of the game like they created and wish for players to do.

    Thats why i;m hoping they bring back mods help increase your cr too If you want to chase one number(CR) than they will mod there gear gear to reach a higher cr. mods =stats
    ex, if player is stuck at cr 162 they will have to mod their gear to reach 164. Just like they did in the old days
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  8. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    No one wants to grind through five years of feats to try and catch up, and then on top of the fact not all the feats available at launch still are. Vets are always going to have more SP than new players, and thats fine. But it shouldn't be a make or break point on your ability to get a group.
  9. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    And you can't get t8 plans if you can't do the zones where they drop lmfao
  10. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    Unless you've got millions of credits to spend or the time to farm hundreds of exos.
  11. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It's not and never has been. The players that are snobby about skill points are the vast minority and can easily be ignored. The same goes for anyone that kicks players simply because they don't have the mods that they personally think are best. Ignore them. Or best yet kick them instead.
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  12. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    If I'm leveling an Alt I usually get 45 SP in two days... but, I know the most efficient way to do all the side missions before hitting lvl 30. By T5 I have 51 SP and 77 by T6. If I pause for a couple days to PVP.... close to 89 SP. Still less than a week. In two weeks I can get 100 if I repeat all the content. Thikg is, I don't think a noob could do this from scratch.

    I made an alt on a free account, much easier to go slowly, with the CR bands and the way gear drops like candy in the non "classic game" content, it actually takes a little know how to stop progression from happening too fast. You need those marks to unlock Home Turf Mods, I put off raids till the last possible day (Wednesday) otherwise you are repeating content without getting marks. I don't put on any rings or necklace from the vault cause it's MUCH easier to farm marks at lower contest than endgame. Get to T7 without Home Turf Mods and you are screwed.

    Funny thing is, not only do I end up with more marks, more SP etc it's WAY easier / faster when you are over geared for the content.

    I used to think, "I'll go back and do side missions" try finding them all after, takes way longer and you need those marks. If they know what a difference Home turf Mods and Orbital, Supply Drop etc make... they wouldn't "rush". SP is just a nice bonus, give me the marks baby...
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  13. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    And as for the people saying Xbox players won't know how to do the raids, sure maybe the ones too stupid to look at youtube. Yeah, the Feat system isn't exactly hard but it is extremely time consuming and incredibly dull. If you get lucky enough to get in a group willing to run the feats, you've gotta hope they've got the patience and skill to get it done. More often than not, thats not the case.
  14. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    I usually argue against SP snobbery, I'm with you.

    However, I personally NEED Brawling Weapon mastery to Heal, Troll or Tank if I have to spam to make up for less skilled players. I can throw twice as many powers due to the half power thing. I also like to have Super Speed flight and the resistances there and the power regens in the movement mode as well. So 51 SP there. The one stat I still see a big difference with is Vit, decreases how much power you use dramatically, so another 6 there. I could go on but yeah, I could do a T7 raid with 30 SP, I just don't want to... I don't wavdox people and I've seen role players that reach teir 4 power regen with hand blasters do ok. It's just easier to me with weapon mastery and building supercharge? Forget about it, blow them out of the water. Someone has more skill than me and can do it with less? Cool.

    If you've never had Home Turf Mods or 95 to 130 SP cool, but once you play Pokemon with the bike, #$%$ walking. Just me I guess.
  15. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    I've got all the Home-Turf mods and bonuses. So I do fine in content. I can solo heal pretty much everything but SM. But I don't care about Survival Mode. I just want to play the game, get neat looking gear and play with my friends. I get by with 100sp just fine. But if you try and use LFG you get your *** reamed for being "Lazy" and not having enough SP.
  16. KelvmorLyonsbane New Player

    I'm just paranoid they're going to start showing SP instead of CR and I'm going to get kicked out of every group I join I guess.
  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    That's why you ignore them or not be in voice with them. Or simply ignore those players are even in your group. I PuG content like this weekly and daily and get through just fine. I've had people say my Tanks are low and I reply back say I've Tanked the content before. Or I Tank it anyways and ignore them. I got told I couldn't Tank Brainiac's Bottle Ship (or rather our group would struggle) being less than 160 CR. I Tanked Brainiac and we beat the content fairly fast.

    Just ignore snobs and you'll get by fine.
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  18. PSYL0CKE X8 Well-Known Player

    No excuses there are people that have 267 sp work and still have time to farm and have high sp.
    If you dont have time to get old feats then something is wrong . When stat diff.. comes out people will go back and get the old feats the ones who are missing them.. Nothing is given to you do the work to earn it.

    New content is meant for players who have done that stuff. Not for level 1 players

    You want to go in and fight darksid at minimum requirement cr.156 hurting your team playing pick-ups then you are wrong.
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  19. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Let's do an experiment. Pick a skill point number that you believe players should have going into Episode 21-23 content and I'll do a Census lookup. Want to bet who will be wrong?
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  20. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    They do show it on online apps.

    People sit there looking everyone up before they start while your fighting, almost to the first boss then they leave or make a sarcastic comment if you are going so fast they know you are going to finish it anyway... they stay so they can "prove" to themselves that they "carried" you.

    Since you "wouldn't" have finished it without them that proves that the magical Stat difference that is roughly equivalent to a Soda for their role or an Omega is necessary to beat the content.

    It's all very "obvious" really...
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