Skill points

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SERPENTXOFXGOD, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. SERPENTXOFXGOD Well-Known Player

    I hope DCUO Gives SP a good push and clamp the CR. I also strongly believe Feats should have a CR Min and max requirement. You can maybe address the stats as you do the seasonals and clamp it so players truly unlock the feat by True Game Mechanics instead of pure Burning through it all.
  2. RaginCaucasian Active Player

    AF3 is bringing the #statsmatter thing so they'll be getting a push. But to say there should be a cr min/max wouldnt be fair to the ppl that got them while being way above it. Also, how do you expect ppl to get sp when near max cr after being fed CR only stats for so long?
  3. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Min CR for certain Feats is the way it is. You have to have access to content to have the Feats available (even if they are listed otherwise), and SP from those Feats are essentially not available until a character is of min CR required for the Instance(s) of said content.

    A max limit to CR requirement makes no sense.

    Alternate toons can unlock Feats of content above their CR with RB's, but that should not be.
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  4. SERPENTXOFXGOD Well-Known Player

    Of course it makes sense it will bring the DCUO Community back to respecting the more advanced players in the game. And yeah I am sorry for the Players who came into the Game when CR was O.P but hey the same way DC has screwed the older players then I am sure it wont hurt them to make them changes for the better of the Game, but don;t worry DCUO Dont listen to anything I say Maybe I should be a free to play player..maybe then I can be heard lol
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  5. Streven Dedicated Player

    Check your ego at the door please. Having SP does not make you an advanced player. That's funny!

    Having SP only means you've ground out a lot of boring content. I've seen more bad 'high SP' players than I can shake a stick at.

    There is nothing wrong with running feats and having a lot of SP if you enjoy that. That's what they're there for. To give you some reason to run around the hamster wheel again...


    Stop trying to influence game design changes around making you feel more special about your badass SP having selves than you already do. The world can't take that much hubris. And please quit calling anything you do in this game 'work' that you should be rewarded for.

    Damn elitists I swear...
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  6. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    I may get in trouble, but it is what it is. A max CR for feats is about the dumbest idea ever on this forums. And that is saying a lot.

    Edited: You really had to try hard to get the worst idea ever for this game. I applaud you. As much bad ideas that come across the forums, yours truly takes the cake.
  7. scotv453 Well-Known Player

  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    How do people don't know just how little we actually get from SP, they make it out to be thins grand thing that you must have in order to play, this is something no other game does because gear and mods (and in other better games crafting) is how you improve your stats and not some number for which you have to accumulate 100 points to get just 1. Also stop asking devs to force people to get SP, half of it is locked behind PVP and paid content and players that don't like PVP shouldn't be forced into it for PVE and even less force players to buy content just for the SP, that makes the game pay to win which shouldn't be the case.
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  9. Unzero Well-Known Player

    So in one post you've basically destroyed #statsmatter and Legendary Membership?

    People with Legendary Membership and longtime players might as well have the #samestats

    We might as well be playing Tic Tac Toe.
  10. Streven Dedicated Player

    Where is the relevant info on #statsmatter? Did a dev actually say that it is meant to make SPs more important or is that simply the wishful thinking of the SP elitist crowd?

    SP have never given a real significant stat boost. They've always been all about bragging rights. If that were to change I'd be more than a bit upset.
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  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    SP does not matter more than gear and common sense. I'm a 171 cr atomic tank with 131 sp. I pugged Rip In Time Elite without knowing about it lol we had a 172 healer bug form, a 168 troller and a 173 dps. The only difficult part about that elite alert was Black Adam. Everything else was easy. The dps supposedly said he had 250 sp and 17k might with all the mods, trinket. Hell even in Kandor people have around 190-250 sp and still wipe. SP does not affect the way the game is played. Even pvp it's a different story. I can only assume those with higher sp in pvp can have a slight edge but it all depends on the skill of the player. I totally agree though, higher sp is just for bragging rights elitist.
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  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    At the moment the cr simply wins. Once you get all your crits from skillpoints (78 sp) you're actually pretty fine.
    Back then it was a bit different. Before the cr differential sp actually mattered (to a certain point). And even before then they were more important.

    I'm not saying skillpoints are the one and only factor of your character.
    There are some more factores: gear (cr), mods, whitemods, loadout, skillpoints, playerskill, etc.

    With the removal of the cr differential stats will matter more again (idk if the devs have planned more stuff around that).
    And sp won't matter toooo much.

    Ppl are just frustrated that they have grinded out a lot of skillpoints (i'm "just" at 249 atm) and player with 80sp can keep up with them (talking about damage here). And I can understand that frustration. If I have "worked" for my skillpoints (and that few extrastats) I want a reward for that. Not saying sp is the only thing here.

    EDIT: And yes sp =/= playerskill
  13. krytine Loyal Player

    First off skill points have always mattered some. For any role you get your crits now as you get more skill points theyou have less impact but when stats did matter before you could customize your toon to what you wanted and you damage was based off of your actual might and precision this whole cr differential lowered the value greatly for skill points but did not turn them into just bragging rights thing. Now b3fore the whole cr crap there seemed to be magic numbers to hit to have better results. Like 1500 ,2000, 2500,3000,3500 and so on and so one.
    When you look at 1 tier to the next for stats skill points and mods can raise you a full tier stats up in a category so how can you say skill points do nothing
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Statsmatter push will still require best gear to get best stats.

    SP, mods, and soda buffs are all items to help improve your stats but your primary stats will still come from gear. This is the same method used in other MMO games. Stats come mainly from gear with some minor boost from mods and sodas.

    Players need to get over the SP impact, if anything we may see a change to % but many of the high SP player might end up being disappointed due to what they want vs. what will be delivered.
  15. RaginCaucasian Active Player

    Did you even read my post?
  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Yes, but stats matter does nothing to the game. It will be similar to what we see now if all players had the best gear. The player who put the time in will have a slight advantage. The biggest change we will see is this..

    Lower CR will not mean you take more damage or you do less damage. Instead it will be based on stats as the driver, well expect for Pets. And if players look at their stats, a majority of them, usually between 80-95% comes from....GEAR. That has and will continue to be the driver for this game.
  17. Delta796th Loyal Player

    • Like x 3
  18. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Like neverwinter. Red area means big hit and possibly one shot, in epic dungeons it is a one shot every time. I love watching a DPS die than complain about my heals. I reply, can't heal stupid. You need to move out of the AoE that is a one shot. LOL... I mean I gave them a sheild which gives them 4 chances to not die and yet DPS in NW act like they are playing DCUO, mechanics don't matter. Than I pick them up.

    Funny thing is some of the guild name in NW are the same I see in DCUO for league names and even a few players name match up to both. What I find is funny, those players on NW are just as bad as they were on DCUO. :)

    Mechanics, mechanics, mechanics. That is what should matter in games.

    I think the last time I really enjoy DCUO was our run in Hall of Hookers, I mean Hades. LOL. That was a good run and that content mechanics mattered at that time. Since than, mechanics basically have vanished out of DCUO. I mean even in DWF players forgo mechancis for BURN. LOL.
  19. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    Your in for an eye opener 130sp person.....when they hit the switch you noobs are gone....finally get rid of the no sp having easy gear getting noobs....oh and bragging rights? Just shows how pathetic you noob community are....smh....get your weight up free to play slacker.......whiny babies are a joke....
  20. Gimpy Loyal Player

    For Myself skill points changed when They changed the Power/Skill Point Trees for Weapon Mastery SP ceased to make that much of a difference, then it changed again because AM rules and WP is useless.

    Why is anyone presuming stats-matter actually implies any changes in SP?

    The source of the actual stats that will matter has not been mentioned and what those stats will actually matter for has not been explained.