Skill Points - What Am I Not Seeing Here?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Wanderica, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Wanderica New Player

    Currently, I'm at CR 105 and should have 106 to start running the new solo for 98 gear today. Gear has come very quickly, and I mean very quickly. Skill points, on the other hand . . . not so fast. I don't mind putting in the work, so please don't mistake the tone of this post, but I have to be missing a lot of easy skill points here. If the forums are any indication or baseline, then (with my CR) I should be at least 100+ SP. However, I'm currently only at 75. Looking through my feat list, I can see 5 or so points that I can pick up fairly quickly, and these include a race or 2, the last 2 School of Hard Knocks, and some solo dungeon feats (rescue all the cops, beat androids, etc.). These will only get me to 85 SP or so, which is well short of my 100 goal and well out of site of the 180+ that many people here claim they have.

    So the question, I guess, is how long should these take? I don't exactly have a lot of time played, despite this being a pretty old toon. I've only recently returned to this game, and the last time I played 75 SP was respectable. Am I missing lots of easy skill points? 100 seems far away, and 200 seems an unrealistic goal. Do these come with time, or has the vocal community simply misrepresented the larger portion of the playerbase? What gives? I know I'm missing something here.
  2. buddah Well-Known Player

    Have you gotten your tokens of merit? Those are in the Watchtower/Hall of Doom really easy 5 sp
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  3. Wanderica New Player

    yep. all 25000 of them
  4. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Here's how I do it.

    You have 75 SP? Good, go by 10s.


    & so forth, I would recommend doing PvP because, I kid you not, I was just running legends PvP for some practice and you get feats without actually thinking about it. Also do your general feats, alerts, bounties, etc. What I did on EUPC side is that I'll get friends and league mates that needed -insert feat here- and we would run it together, it made it so much fun running with friends/league mates. I would also go by DLC. I did my favorite DLC from least favorite DLC, why? I dunno, it just worked for me and it might work for you. :p For example one of my favorite DLC is Fight For The Light and on EUPC, I completed all the feats for that and moved on from there. I do think that going from DLC is easier, depends on you.

    ( I'm sorry if my reply seems out of it, it's 2:57 AM and I'm tired & also hungry, lol...good luck!! :) )
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  5. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    A lot of sp come from time.500 alerts, duos, solos rnd, the strikes island and ace missions,bountys thing like tht. back when I started playing fos 2 was the hardest raid there where no replays so we had to wait a week to run anything so the only thing to do was hunt the sp points as they came wether pvp or a new dlc. It just takes time u can't expect to have 180+ sp in jus a few weeks if u do get tht much kudos.
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  6. Wanderica New Player

    Thanks guys. That's what I thought. I've dabbled into Legends PvP a bit and it was fun, but Arena PvP was just a joke. I ran 4 matches or so and my whole team never made it out of the spawn before we were killed, so I've avoided it almost completely. As for the DLC feats, I don't have that many of them. I didn't think they made up so many points. Maybe that's what I missed. Now that I outgear most of them, most should be more easily obtained. So it looks like I've been doing it right after all. I just need to keep at it. It's a daunting task for newer players, but at least with AM in the picture and higher gear levels, it's not as essential as players used to see it.
  7. Veritech Loyal Player

    Just pick a feat and chip away at it. That's my way of doing things.

    Style feats get you some bulky feat points to go towards sp, most are pretty easy to get but then some are painful (old school HIVE defender anyone?). is a great tool to help you find pieces, if not a simple google search can set you on the right path.
    It can be difficult to get feats from previous DLCs because so many have been there, done that. But with patience you can find a group where everyone is on the same page.

    Keep at it and aim for the stars (3 stars is best :p )
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  8. L T Devoted Player

    The problem is it's easy to race to the latest content, without playing each tier through fully. If you take your time the skill points will come more or less naturally.
  9. OWLMANjr New Player

    The villain of the year says get to grinding. 75 sill points at cr 106 is not acceptable.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Agree with Veritech. Styles have a ton of feat points. Many are 3* feats. Many are also easy to farm or can be purchased outright. The count feats are tedious and don't pay off as well for the time invested. Since you're on USPC, feel free to look me up. I'll be glad to help you with any duo feats.
  11. Troll New Player

    I rolled a new toon on my main PSN so that I wouldn't have to keep switching PSNs just for DCUO.

    Subbed up about 3 weeks ago, and it took me less than 4 days to get from 1 to 106CR & that's including working 9-5. With XP boosts, CR skips, leagues carrying me through stuff & of course, LOTS of DCUO cash ($160mil) I was able to fast track to 106.

    Once I hit 107, I had 40SP and solo healed all the t6 raids with little problem as nature, & then started working on SP, right now I'm at 113CR & 110SP, slowly working towards my old toon (160SP) which I cannot buy feats back because it's on a different PSN.

    SP grinding is horrible tbh & I wish we could just buy outright all grind feats, actually all feats but at least making the stupid grinding feats would make it easier for people who do not want to waste days at a time on 1 star feats.

    CR grind took less than a week, SP grind is ongoing hell.
  12. Troll New Player

    A "villain of the year" would never have to keep telling people that he's villain of anything.

    I don't recall Al Capone ever saying "Villain of the year says bootlegging is OK"

    Stop trying to create a nonsense persona for yourself you chump & get a grip.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Many come in due time. But considering you are already 100+CR and dont have 100sp yet. You have missed alot of content, or just skipped it on purpose. However getting those feats from old DLCs should be easy for you since you are so high lvled. Sadly 75 sp at 100+cr is now the new norm because people try to get to end game and then work their way back.

    you should:
    Do races
    Exploration feats
    Speed feats
    Style feats
    PVP feats
    Legends PVE feats
    Seasonal feats
    old raid feats( fos, batcaves, prime, gates, nexus, paradox)
    R&D crafting and salvaging feats
    Toyman mission feats

    You have tons of feats to do. Heck you pratically have the whole game to play all over again for the amount of content you skipped.
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I give the OP a round of applause hes at least asking what feats he should get out of the way that are fastest.

    ran TD with 2 members of my league, and got a CR111 DPS who only had 67sp and was trying to say if he hadnt disconnected he would of out DPS'd my leagues ice DPS by at least 2 mill.

    my leagues ice DPS/tank has 170sp and is CR110 lol

    he was so sure he even went as far as saying he was 200% sure of it.
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  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I give all credit to the OP, many players dont even try to get their sp up, or even come to the forums to ask for helpful suggestions.
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  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    The Explorations feats, Race Feats, Solo Feats, Alert Feats, Raid Feats, Token of Merit and Collection Feats are all fairly easy. That should keep you busy for a little while. Also try going through a single DLC and completing all those feats. PvP is another one where if you haven't been doing it then your sitting on feats.