Skill points are way too tedious to get as a new player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DivineRhyme, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Could be a server issue if it takes 3 hours to form a group
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  2. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    it’s easier to shut people down & accept the state of the game then to suggest a solution or suggestion but hey that’s how this forum is & I never expect any change to those types
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  3. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    that’s the thing my friend,we play a game where players who are up there judge you for not having arts,gear & sp to be good enough to do whatever you need or run and that affects the player who wants to grow in the head and it demotivates them to continue further because they expect someone who’s trying to feel the game before dropping money to improve arts & etc.They forget that they themselves were there before & loose sight of that fact
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You mean they're concerned about one of the main reasons to play the game?


    You mean actually playing the game... getting better gear to become a stronger character?

  5. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    Beautifully said
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  6. KrilTsutsaroth New Player

    And this is a another reason why I say feat discoverability is, in my opinion, not that great. I've been playing for a while now and I can honestly say my first inclination when starting an instance is to press Y and look at the scoreboard. Especially since there's not always much time to keep up with the group depending on the instance.

    Of course my ignorance to this feature is my own fault. I almost never check the scoreboard for more than a few seconds to see how I'm doing, and I can honestly say I have probably never seen this new feature. But as someone who has been playing for long, my perspective might be different from a newer player. Either better or worse. Based solely on the fact that the scoreboard to me, for years, has always just been a scoreboard. On screen queues do more in terms of discoverability. If anything, it needs to be the first page of the instance menu, putting the stats a tab over. That alone might solve some....other issues.

    I still firmly believe we need a feat tracker. At this point in the games life I thought we'd have one by now. It'd be beneficial for everyone, newbie or vet alike.

    Thanks for the tip though! I had no idea.
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  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Shouldn't that be your sign that
    1) People want to discuss it
    2) It needs to be discussed
    3) There might be an issue with it as it now stands
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Believe or not, they DID do something about feats acquisition. Just not something that you specifically wanted.

    They ramped up how many feats you can get in a single DLC. Which is a compromise in a way. Is it a good one? No, because there will always be that imbalance between new, old, and returning players. It at least makes it easier for new players to be comfortable while playing. There is a difference between having 700+ and 300+ SP for sure, but you only really need around 350 SP to be in a place that is successful for the role you want and not feel under performing. Getting a fresh character to 350SP can be done in 6 months just by playing the content. I'm not joking here. There are so many passive feats with this game, you have to actually AVOID getting feats or just not play much to not have a good number after 6 months.

    But to avoid reading the rest of the thread, which is undoubtedly anti-stat clamp rhetoric, I do think there is room to fix some more of the problems. Double the feats you get when you buy a CR skip token. Add more feats that can be earned to Event/Normal versions of the content. (And stop doubling up on Normal and Elite. We don't need 2-3 versions of the same feat, it just gates the SP.) Do these ideas work okay? They would help newer players, but also give options for players to still get it quicker if they wanted to pay.
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  9. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    The battle for earth got me lmao.I agree with your statement & I returned 2 months ago in a new account because I lost my old one not by getting van from dcuo or anything of that sort.I started from scratch and I have over 147 sp,I basically set a goal to farm certain feats in a week & make goals to get some of the tedious ones down like battle for earth.My advice would be,chip away at accumulated feats by a certain amount a day or when ever you have to time to do so.It eventually pays off
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you :)
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  11. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    Trust me, don't strain yourself trying to understand the post, we know by now that it's beyond you. Put the keyboard down and go and play with the worms out the back garden and let the adults talk.

  12. KrilTsutsaroth New Player

    I agree with this 100%. Even in LFG people feel the need to shout out their SP to be "worthy" of getting in a group. I can't even say that I've used LFG to do runs in a long time because of that and I'm sure I'm not in some large minority here either. After switching over from PS to PC I can say I don't have a lot of SP. I just came back to the game like 2-3 days ago and when I look at LFG I see so many people shouting 500,600,700+ SP and I think well fudge. If that's what other people have, I'll look like a fool trying to get into a group with others that have literally 500+ MORE SP than I currently have. It was both worrisome and a blessing when I saw someone say they had 700+ SP. My first reaction was what the heck?? There's THAT many SP in the game now? But then I realized if there's that many in the game, then a lot of them should be attainable with relative ease. On the other hand, I realize if they have that many then they probably completed a lot of this content when it was relevant or current. That makes a big difference on what it feels like trying to make up for it now, compared to more of the player base going for them when it was current.
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  13. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    I think your first sentence hits the nail on the head. How do you balance against the hardcore and the casual. But I think we already have that answer: Elite content. Just make elite versions of everything for those people. I don't see many folks complaining that the basic versions of event missions are too why not make them all that easy?

    One of the things several of us have asked for the the ability to get feats without the clamp. No SM or even loot. Just the ability to feel powerful while doing the busy work of killing 1000 guys or whatever the feat might be. That shouldn't stop any of your need for challenge as it would be optional. But there are plenty of people where who are against it.

    I know I am carrying baggage here because I have been seeing these kinds of arguments in MMO's since OG Everquest. I remember as more expansions came out, people asking for older content to be made easier so new players could get to higher content quicker or so making alts wasn't such a slog or because now old areas were increasingly empty to finding groups was a pain. And even then there were some folks that just couldn't stand the idea that things that they didn't even deal with any more would be easier for someone else. Eventually that game got pummeled by a far more accessible game that had way more players so that content was easier to do.

    In the end, I don't see why some folks can't admit that doing old content, especially feats, is a pain unless you are willing to put in the work to build groups. The clamp did NOT increase people going back and doing much of that content. Most of the raids and alerts still have few people doing them. Especially since not all missions are created equal. Some have mechanics that make them so annoying that even if you do get into them, people drop out or you keep failing. So getting the feats from such content can be nearly impossible if you only play sporadically or for short periods at a time.

    As for Sleepy making groups. Good for him and the people he has helped. Just because he enjoys it so much he basically built a League or whatever around it doesn't mean it is the only solution. But that was the basis of his 'argument'. I do this thing and I am fine with it, so you should be as well. It didn't have a point against changing. Just him stating that things are fine as they are.

    And I am not really even arguing this for the sake of feats. Its more the principal. If someone brings up an issue, either show them how it isn't an issue or don't post. But just saying that it isn't an issue FOR YOU is not an argument and it adds nothing to the the thread. So I can only surmise the people do it because they are trying to defend the status quo, but are afraid to just say "I like it being hard/tedious/prohibitive and no matter how many other people are unhappy, I don't care and am unwilling to discuss any alternatives.
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  14. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

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  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    As a Veteran that doesnt have the SP to represent being an actual Vetran (lol), ignore the past, Focus on the present. Stats from Gear are what matter first, SP is secondary to certainly increase stats but gear comes first. 12 Years of Feats to get is DAUNTING but focus on the 3 current Episodes then when bored or want to try, go for the past stuff but certainly tackle only what you can do. Its certainly a system the Devs need to look into for better Progression but for now, just play, have fun, focus on the present. Those Past 40 episodes will be here and arent going anywhere. You dont need 600+ to beat the game. Probably just around 200-300 depending on Role and Spec.

    Just have fun.
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Heres some reality for ppl to chew on (like it or not).
    Feats are easier now period.
    New players can get feats easier than we could period.
    Take the epic odyssey feat for example in dox.
    Q for dox an u have a fair shot at getting it by accident. Some of us put the work in an did it at relevancy…….
    Explain how its harder f it was almost impossible at relevancy an now can be had nust by randomly Q’n for it?
    Also note that co tent used to actually be hard at times and we didnt randomly Q. And if u did, you didnt complete content. You had to actually make a group, go over mechanics an responsibilities etc.
    Now days, any random player an Q for new raids day 1 an do it with no keyboard or mic to communicate. They will get feats, complete content, and they can be a complete waste of space in the group too.

    So yea, tell me again how its so hard for new players to get feats????
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  17. MrGhosty Active Player

    The advice I would give as a fellow new player is to pay zero attention to anyone saying what the minimum amount of CR should be. All that means is you won't likely be able to get into organized pug groups or lfg stuff. sub 100 sp is plenty to do all the solo stuff and run the zone content. Also if you're playing mostly solo figure out when most people are running the various zone weeklies like in Doomed Washington or Death Metal and go for those on that day. You'll eventually get the counter completion feats as well as good influx of source marks to buy styles which can add up pretty quickly. The other thing is if you can, focus as much as you're able on getting good allies and artifacts leveled up, their impact on gameplay is like night/day. It's frustrating if you like going about getting achievements in "order" but once you get past that it makes things a lot easier to deal with and far less frustrating.
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  18. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Yea thats facts, he ninja’s me to dps runs for him all the time when helping others get feats an renown lol. A-hole ninjad me last nite to neronE lmao
    Love ya sleepy
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  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I will add a lighter note to ease minds.
    I have a healer alt. 160 sp, full healer gear an arts (arts are like 140’s).
    I solo heal anything in the game non elite. I heal alot of elite stuff too with no issues. I also switch to dps role an use a semi-competent loadout and dps with healer gear an healer arts. I do this to run elite solo co tent for renown and clear it easy with no deaths.

    I say this to calm minds. I main a quantum dps. Im NOT a healer lol, not by any stretch but even with unfinished artifacts and 160 sp i can clear far more than i need to. If i can do it with 160 sp, you can all do it with whatever u got while u earn more.

    Find a league, a good league will help you. If they wont, then they aint a good league. If you cant be bothered with a league then be content an geind what u can.
    Theres plenty of helpful ppl an leagues i assure you (on the villain side anyway).
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Don't you tell me to join a league, I shouldn't have too! :mad:
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