Skill points and power points reset after build change.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by GreenDrakkon, May 29, 2014.

  1. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    This is the second time that this has happened to me. The first time I was on my dps and this time I was on my healer. When I used the change build function to change between my armories, it reset all my skill points, power points, and load outs.
  2. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    You need to imprint your builds for it to save. It not a bug if you not doing so.
  3. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I know all about imprinting my builds. I've done this on at least five of my characters since armories came out. If you re-read my last sentence, you will see that it says that it reset everything. Just as if I had reset it on the watchtower. Now, I have to set everything for one of my armories and then go reset everything to set it again for my second stance.

    I brushed it off the first time since it was just a one time thing, even though it was annoying. This is the second time on a second character.
  4. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Just so im understanding you correctly,
    you set up all your PP and SP on (lets call it) Style 1, you imprinted that to an Armoury, and then all you did was change styles (hereafter known as Style 2) and imprinted that to a second Armoury with the same PP and SP spent on both, but when you switch from Style 1 to Style 2, Style 2s SP and PP arent spent?

    Is that whats happening?
  5. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I set a style, my skill points and my power points for one role to one armory. I then set my style, skill points, and my power points for my other role to another armory. Both imprinted to their own armory correctly as I've been using them for awhile. I had just left a duo where I ended up changing several times. Once I got out, I changed back to my main role on that character, or at least I tried to. It told me that the build was not set. I checked my traits and found that I had no power points spent nor any skill points spent.