Skill Points and CR350 Armor Box

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by La Petaa, Apr 13, 2023.

  1. La Petaa New Player

    n the extension of an extra week, they could have made it so that people are putting on the new skill points, opening armor boxes to be prepared for the new dlc
  2. Limey Committed Player

    1) This has nothing to do with test center.

    2) Playing Episode 44 is enough preparation for Episode 45.

    3) The standard gear boxes aren't jumping from CR320 to CR350, they'll most likely only be going up to around CR325-CR333, you would still get better gear dropping from Sins of Black Adam.
  3. Brianna lexus New Player

    He's talking about the avatar bombardier gear from quark vendor and the gear from fate doctor vendor that scale up every new dlc
  4. Limey Committed Player

    Oh for sure, they should definitely only update the CR on vendor stuff. Since you're the expert here, what did he mean by "new skill points"?
  5. Brianna lexus New Player

    When you respec in thr skill points tree every new dlc it goes up 10 or 15 skill points so you need respec the skill points
  6. Limey Committed Player

    New skill points and increased cap are different things, and respeccing can be done at any time regardless of whether it's before and episode or not, meaning if you are correct then OP is both semantically wrong and functionally redundant.
  7. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    They have, in the past, made the quark vendor gear Cr increase before the new dlc. They have also raised the SP caps, and augment caps, before a new dlc.

    I'm guessing the OP was hoping for that. Little late for that though.
  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Maybe English isn’t their primary language. While it may not have read as was presented, you can make out what they were trying to relay.

    Point is that they were hoping that dcuo did a pre-dlc update the way they did last dlc. Prior to the dlc they made the 21 day reward gear have a higher rating as well as the gear from the quark vendor and date vendor. Plus they increased the so cap to the new dlc limit. I believe they also increased the augment cap too (but can’t remember). I sort of remember making a post last dlc that players would expect this to be the new norm and they were setting themselves up for failure by doing so (while still enjoying it and thanking them since it allowed players to use that time to get ready and just play the new dlc once dropped).

    I believe that should be done every dlc since it allows players to use the slow week before the dlcs to do all these things and allows us to just get on and play. Was hoping that would be the case but oh well.