Since I Brought it Up Again... (Soloing Duos)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Backseid, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. krytine Loyal Player

    Watch out they might close those walk ins for some kind of issue next. Someone else had posted about how more walkins were being shut down and we still haven't gotten back do yet
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You missed one, so I fixed it for ya.;)
  3. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Good point. The devs have put a lot of work into those iconic locations. Sometimes it's nice to stroll through and take in the details... which is not always possible when you're teamed up with a player who burns through the mission like a more hyperactive version of the Flash.
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  4. Taerie Active Player

    Base teleporter mod similar to urgent warfronts that gives an option for entering said duos/group missions that youre ~+50 cr above the cr listed on the loot only > in the description would be great

    in general having significantly higher cr players running duos with @ level players isn't healthy for the game

    I'd prefer, actually, for there to be a legends option for that older content where you can run it duo, or solo or whatever, but at level as a legends character. Would preserve people queuing into them, rather than avoiding queues all together while preventing the huge CR mismatches.

    Everquest did something similar at one point when they allowed you to switch into a "spirit shroud" (depths of darkhollows expansion)
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  5. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I would actually pay real $$ for a Base Mod that I could put in my Generator that allowed me to teleport into a desired instance.

    Duo Mod - $2
    Alert Mod - $2
    Raid Mod - $2

    Bundle package of all mods - $5

    Daybreak would get $5 from me so damn fast it wouldn't be funny.
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  6. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Yes please!
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