Since DLC's Come In Threes Now...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lackofinterest, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. lackofinterest Well-Known Player

    How about a little more villain love? We were discussing this in league yesterday. I can't imagine it would be too hard to focus the occasional DLC on the villain perspective. The example we were kicking around was something like, start a trilogy off with the heroes being deceived into doing something unintentionally evil (trick them into thinking supes/bats/WW/whoever is being mind controlled, heroes are deluded into stopping said hero, resulting in dire consequences); meanwhile, the villains know what's up the whole time. This way there wouldn't have to be drastically different raids, alerts, etc, and maybe more people would be enticed to play villain side. I just came back after a four month break, and I thought PC villain side was deserted before I left :(. Any thoughts? Opinions? Trolls?
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  2. oOChiddyOo New Player

    Sons of Trigon was Villain based but didn't include raids or anything but I like the idea. This rage power release would of been perfect because the rage could of made us unintentionally do some bad stuff until we learned to control it.
  3. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Psycho Pirate used to do that stuff all the time. Maybe they should do something like Marvel did with "Acts of Vengeance". This was a storyline where villains decided to switch heroes. Thus, throwing them off guard. So, lets' have Lex Luthor go after Batman, Circe go after Superman, and Joker go after Wonder Woman.

    Joker: "Moo." "HAHAHAHA!"
  4. Disruptor Well-Known Player

    How about going with the CSA. Earth-3 or Earth-2(anti-matter)

    Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring.

    The heroes foul up the CSA's world by doing good deeds and the villains have to clean up the mess.