Showing a little appreciation for the members free flash helm

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    There will never, ever be a time when people aren't complaining, and no gift in the world will ever change that or stop it. People complain about not getting a gift when the game has issues, people complain about the sales being money grabs, people complain about the gifts when they are given. I'm fine with people expressing their opinions, but there will never be a time when a gift will be seen as just coming out of the blue.

    In terms of Flash Appreciation Day, I greatly appreciate the gesture and the gifts themselves.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    ofc hero's are tickled to get that because its a hero style, how arent you all getting that?

    Villains shouldnt have to recolor just to have a style thats the dumbest s*** I've heard just to accept something as a gift. Sure many people have asked for this, but how many villains want many actual villain styles and yet to even get 1 of them?

    Yet theres been a entire batman suit and now a legit Flash head put into the game. Perhaps if any of you were a actual villain player in the slightest then you all would give a damn.
  3. Pults Loyal Player

    I don't even like flash.
  4. SuperBell Loyal Player

    You're seriously complaining because you have to recolor it?
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  5. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Actually we're not taking you seriously because you didnt bring up anything factual.

    1) Recolour: The cowl doesnt start off as red and gold. What exactly was your recolour arguement here lol? It starts off as whatever colours you're currently using and you recolour it. Heroes had to recolour it if they werent red and gold. Everyone had to recolour it to make a unique style. Villains had no more to do than heroes, so lets not be silly here and act like you had soooo much more work to do.

    2) Villains dont get styles loool? My hero toon has Darkseids Shoulders, Deadshots entire costume, Lashinas Mask, Hades Crown, Catwomans Whip belt. And thats only within the last year, and far from all the styles. Sorry, but that attempt at a pity-party wasnt fully thought through at all. And over a style thats very VERY easily changed to be a villain style. So much so that I just timed myself, and it took me 2mins 27 secs (with lag) to change Flash into Zoom.

    Cant say ive ever seen any of these threads asking for one villain style as much as this mask has been requested. But thats your problem right there. Instead of requesting anything in a thread of your own, you've decided to post nonsense in here that has zero facts backing it up. If you want a style, make a thread. If enough ppl want it eventually it might make it. But this nonsense is just beyond silly.
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  6. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I was inspired to make my very first speedster, thanks to the Flash helm. And for people who don't want to make a speedster, I also found it makes a decent head piece for a Captain America/US Agent toon.
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  7. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Well, the point of people complaining is first of all: are they in a position to complain? Someone playing DCUO for free never spending a dime, and asking for compensation? That holds no water. Getting a gift despite not paying and then still complaining about the nature of that gift? Even worse, and: Some complaints should really just be ignored.

    But when Mepps says that Daybreak doesn't care so much about the wishes of non-paying customers, he has to face a shitstorm? Totally not OK. We should allow Daybreak to position themselves clearly and accept when we ourselves picked to be part of an "inferior" customer group, since it's our decision to move to the "preferred" customer group (which is legendary/subscribed, even if Daybreak avoids telling them premium players this straight to the face) or not. It would really improve things when it comes to reaction on justified complains etc. But, since humans in general are not very consistent on their ethical compass when it comes to "oneself" and "the others", telling someone cheap who tries to get the most of the game for the smalles amount of money possible that they are not the preferred customers will leave those folks pissed on top while a little reality check should have made them realize that fact on their own really.

    That said - I'm pretty sure that some additions could really please everyone - in theory. Take "downtime content" as an example, and announce it as "a small area with tasks and small rewards that can be brought online faster than the rest of the server/than the real game server, so people can play there while the devs run final tests and fixes on the 'real' realm" - everyone cheers (except for maybe someone who is hellbend on proving a point :D).

    Then when the details about the "how" show up, people start to get disappointed or to demand "moar" ;)
  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    A very nice gesture by the developers to give subscribers access to this item for free. I appreciate it a lot.

    I'm glad that the style was also added to the marketplace, too, as a non-random, non-TC style item, so that people who weren't subscribed can still get access to it. It could have very easily been put inside the next Time Capsule.

    As with most of the style items added to the marketplace, I disagree on the price. $15 for 1 helm style is extortionate and it doesn't make any sense when you compare it to the other items on there. I think they're going to lose a lot of sales from people who want the style but don't want to pay $15 for it.
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Lol yup. They appreciate customers but also over price it. $5 is a realistic cost. Over priced items are a huge issue but this is another story.

    I am still shocked they did this and hope this subscription appreciation is a new trend. I don't need free stuff all the time but for over a hundred dollars a year i wanna feel...... Well not like discarded customers
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  10. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Overpricing is actually - and sadly - really a perception thing. If a company has a customer base of x and sets a price of y for an item or some service, the company will try to max out the profits. And that profit will always be bigger if y is four times the price the customer base deems "ok" when 30% of the customer base still buy despite them complaining about the price being over the top, because those 30% "want it badly" and "can't wait". This is even not factoring the possible gain in profits due to making the same money with way less transactions (since a higher number of transactions may increase costs, depending on contracts etc. involved in handling transactions).

    So basically, these "overprized" items being at the market nonetheless tell you a lot about the character of MMO players ;)
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  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Correct but after we pay our subs we are not overly thrilled to pay top dollar for everything. Grocery stores run discount cards because people spend more when the believe there is a deal. Plenty of evidence out there supporting that.

    Good deals, happy customers and cheap items equals high volume of sales.
  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Didn't you get a Flash base item pack? Premium members didn't get as great a gift as subscribers, but they still received a gift.

    My personal take is to look at how they did it. They introduced a paid item to the MP, but whomever's here right now gets it as a gift. And, the infinitely redeemable gift goes to the subscribers. I debated whether or not this was a good thing. I didn't like it with the CR skip. At the time, I viewed it as an appeasement for a bad decision. But, for something like this, I think it's a good idea. So, I've come to grips that what I didn't like was the CR skip itself. This trend, I believe, is the appropriate mix of monetization of new products while still rewarding the existing customers and loyal members.
  13. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    Appreciate the gesture of kindness
    But I'll thank the devs when invisibility doesn't plague arenas
    I'll thank the devs when pvp is 90% balanced, would love 100% but after 6 years it's apparent that it's wishful thinking
    I'll play the clarinet in the shower fondling fake chest hair when they remove pve gear from pvp phase, or at least make a phase that only allows pvp
    Until then hats off to a solid effort of making y'all happy but I need game fixes not styles
  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    OH MY GOD you actually have to recolor it! So are you basically saying that any piece of gear you get and decide to use on a character stays whatever color the DEVS use and you have never, ever, ever, edited them to match your color scheme for YOUR alts?

    Let's see I have heroes using Harley Quinn's hair, parts of the Harley Quinn bombshell outfit, and about three different ones that use the Deathstroke chest piece just to name a few "VILLAIN" inspired costumes available off the top of my head. Then of course, not that I use them, we have head pieces available for all three types of demons found in the Wasteland.

    Now go back to my post and click on the wiki links and LOOK at what Zoom and Black Flash are wearing... Its the exact same cowl. NOW..... go do a google search and try to find a Professor ZOOM comic book series.. OH that's right there isn't one because the only reason he exists is way back in 1963 the creators of the FLASH created him to be one of many villains the Flash battles. So while they could easily have colored the thing yellow and given it out as a ZOOM cowl how exactly is that celebrating the creation of a specific comic book?

    It is a SUPER HERO game and yes there are a bunch of really great villain characters out there.. But try being honest with yourself ..

    Without Superman would Lex Luthor or Darkseid exist? Without Batman would we be reading Joker comics? Super Villains exist to provide the hero some one to battle that offers up a challenge. In many cases they are more colorful than the heroes they antagonize but they are NOT the main focus .. just the reason to head out the batcave and help save the city.

    I gave you a perfectly legit way to take that same cowl and create your very own speedster villain and if you don't like yellow or black recolor the thing PINK or ORANGE. Oh and while we are on the subject.. take a LOOK at what Bizarro is wearing.


    You know its funny but to ME that looks an awful lot like the same outfit Superman has on. Okay so the Bizarro does a sloppy job on the "S". So should he be on the DC COMICS forums complaining he wants his OWN outfit?

    A couple of other people already responded to you.. TAKE their suggestions. You have some specific villain style you think the game should have create a thread and ASK for it. Because that's what fans of the Flash did to finally get the cowl.
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  15. Randarch Active Player

    This was a really nice bonus to give members.
    I really like the lair stuff.
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    They do nothing for their members for a long stretch, people *itch and moan. They do something, and people STILL find a way to put a negative spin on things. If you're that bitter and cynical, why are you here?
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  17. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    if your that eager for any little bit they will throw you...I feel bad for you...when you say...thank you, for scraps they throw us, your just making this game even worse...
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  18. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    when you are happy for scraps...that's all your ever get...
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    doesnt matter if you cant give to 1 side as you do equally then dont do cosmetic events like they just did.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yay darkseids shoulders? So? Its shoulders, not a freaking head piece that is iconic. As for deadshot iirc hero and villains got that outfit for PvP. And the rest of it is a joke because look it and how it looks in game.

    And yes villain styles have been requested only to get ignored. Shows how much you actually pay attention.