Show us your Lair!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. ManaBaddMan New Player

    ^epic, lol. WINNER!
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  2. Valor New Player

    This is my other lair. It's a penthouse. I always have some squatter in there every time I enter though. This is how lair layouts should be. Notice the high ceilings, and it isn't claustrophobic. Oh, and the view.






    You reuse assets all the time. Why couldn't you have just copied this?
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  3. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Kemical Plant's lair called the Green House. The theme is nature/outdoor/indoor garden.

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  4. Brollic New Player

    Since the community is currently in full meltdown mode over GU 28, I decided to spark some life back in this thread. Hopefully people can take time out of their busy QQin' schedule to remember there is some cool stuff in the game.

    The Infinity Complex

    Welcome to the Show
    • Entrance to the complex houses several artifacts from all corners of the cosmos

    Chillin' Out Maxin' Relaxin' All Cool
    • General living quarters to kick back after hard faught battles and/or long hookah sessions

    Pushin' Gravity
    • In order to stay beast mode you gotta have the gym. Designed so the whole crew can use it; all Reps are welcome.....except whoever it is that keeps leaving that locker open...

    Big Brother
    • My own personal monitor womb; just remember....I'm always watchin'....
    • Weapon storage and stassis chamber
    Get Low
    • The Quantum Servers hold all the collected information of the cosmos.
    • Guest room for any Rep that needs to drop wifey aggro

    These Blue and Yellow Purple Pills
    • Fully equipped sick bay to get back to battle ready status
    • Medical stassis chamber for more serious injuries
    • Pill dispenser holding rare and exotic remedies

    The Think Tank
    • Custom armor & weapon crafting
    • Various experimentation

    Hope y'all enjoyed the may now resume QQin'
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  5. 478874 Dedicated Player

    ^^^^^^^^^^ beast mode
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  6. jflusson Well-Known Player

    wow.........sick lair man!
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