
Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Edgardo, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I was having a pretty fun run in BIA, when this hit.

    A 5 min warning could of been nice, but makes no sense though cause they shut everybody down, not just PS but PC as well.
  2. FaLeX Dedicated Player

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  3. robson30000 New Player

    I can login to game and when i select character and press play. Game turn off and i see on screen Disconected?? What happens?
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Why only the 30 second warning Mepps?
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  5. Eddevil Well-Known Player

    Mepps just updated the known issue in GU46. Apparently some people were having problem getting broker mail on USPC, which I confirm, disconnections on PS3 etc. So there you go. See ya guys in few hours ;)
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  6. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    True I got 3 of them out of 5 BB :rolleyes:
  7. AllanPage Committed Player

    2 days straight and I cant play DC after work. Totally worth the subscription. /sarcasm
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  8. Fatboy New Player

    EUPC down too a moment ago :eek:
    What...?!? Why...?!? My game!!! My instance!!! My MARKS!!! Aaargh!!!!

    Does anyone know how long the server will be down? :D
  9. TayTay16 New Player

    Investigating what exactly?
  10. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    There's a thread from Mepps about GU 46 known issue. They fixing everything from USPC to USPS.
  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    world down
  12. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Good for you! (for serious)

    However, since I haven't had a chance to log in, I am no longer excited about trying to buy any. Le sigh and /cry

    EDIT: I also think that there were issues of people buying bundles and not getting said bundles.
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  13. btoom New Player

    EUPC is down with 30 second warning wtf they are mocking us!
  14. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    not to mention a few issues ith Bludhaven...
  15. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Guy's I was looking right at chat and not to quote the Message was something to the effect that there was an issue with the Booster Bundle and an Aura issue (Black something or another) was not dropping or un-collectible, not sure exactly what by the message but that's the meat of it.
  16. Eddevil Well-Known Player

    Allan, hao 2 bloq? :D
  17. TaylorSwift New Player

    God dammit, I already called out. You coudln't have done this hours ago, or maybe when the usual scheduled maintenance is. POSPOSPOS
  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    The test server isn't the problem. So scratch that from your minds. Its a mess up in the transfer from test to live. Coding gets written wrong or left out. Hardly something I would blame on players (but, it seems an easy scapegoat), because not all content is run on test for every possible bug.
    There is no marketplace to buy the bundles on, so that idea is shot as well.

    I find its easier to take a step back and reflect rather than lash out irrationally.
  19. denverweise Well-Known Player

    I was in USPC a minute ago and suddenly the system message displayed saying "world will shut down in 20 seconds"
    20 seconds later the world shut down. Must be more maintenance required to fix the missing booster bundle issues.
  20. Fatboy New Player

    On TWITTER, DCUO say:
    "We are investigating reports of login problems. Thank you for your patience."

    :rolleyes: Keep calm and patience? Sure! We love you! ;)
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