Server Hotfix - February 26, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    A hotfix will be applied to all servers tonight during regular restarts. No additional downtime will be required. Players may notice the following changes:

    The Moon 5v5
    ·Mark rewards should now grant correctly.
    ·Feats will now update on PvP Arena victories in this map.

    ·Shard of Life will now apply Bad Karma to enemies.
    ·Offering, Transmutation, and Shard of Life have had their animation times reduced.
    ·Wrath, from the 'Summoning' power tree, has been replaced with a new healing power, Ritualistic Word, that will heal you and up to three allies. Additionally in the Healer role it will heal and restore power over time to your Watcher pet.
    ·Offering no longer has a healing component.
    ·Sorcery players will have their power points refunded for a free power respec.

    Welcome Screen
    ·Updated the Welcome Screen to highlight features and fixes found in Game Update 34.

    Raven's Destiny
    ·Resolved an issue where Demons could break out of their cells early and attack players while they themselves were un-attackable. The Metropolis Science Police apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and have launched an internal investigation on the matter.

    ·Resovled an issue where, infrequently, players couldn’t leave the Braniac Ship after speaking with Superman or Lex Luthor.
    ·Brainiac now properly threatens players before Superman or Lex Luthor respond upon their arrival.

    ·Hive Mind: Reduced the cooldown and the duration to 12 seconds

    ·Wired: Reduced the cooldown to 12 seconds

    ·Benediction: Reduced the cooldown to 12 seconds

    ·Reinforce: Reduced the cooldown to 12 seconds
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  2. Echephyle New Player

    Awesome devs! Really happy its coming this fast
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  3. Little Sister New Player

    Moon fix and Sorcery part 3 so fast ? Awesome : D
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  4. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Still no change to arbiter? Come on, you know you all want to get rid of the bat.:D
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  5. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    +1 I like the way you guys are going with Sorcery and thanks for listening to the sorcery community by adding
    I might just go back to being a Sorcery Healer after all. :D
  6. Coldasice New Player

    Mepps, what's going on with the crashing on ps4? I can't even play the game for 5mim without crashing and at least 3 post have been made about this issue and neither has been responded to. And ive had 35 crashes after the update.
    Yes 35
    I reported every crash with the option that playstation provides and have the error code, I can give details about what happens when and how. A response would be appreciated.
  7. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player


    What about the people who still can't even log in to USPC. Are we in limbo indefinitely. I happy for the fixes for the people who can get in and play. However, I would like to play a game I pay for.
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  8. Fightingbudha New Player

    Awesome. Love this
  9. synergies New Player

    I would also like to see a fix for those of us getting the black screen after the SOE logo seem's the patch problem for people has been fixed but this just seemed to fade away.

    If it helps it seem's most people who get this black screen and the un-responsive client seem to be running windows 7 home premium
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  10. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Im having the same problem entering into the game with USPC server they need to fix that. I put a support ticket in a hour ago and they haven't done anything yet. And just just turned Legendary this month and have my doubts in staying legendary with this game. DCUO has only so much time before a lot of subscriptions are cancelled.
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  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

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  12. XxAngelxOfxDestinyxX New Player

    I have been trying to to download this stupid update for 4 hour now and the estimated time is 54 hours. 54 hours really? Are you kidding me? I am so done with this game and this company! GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR FF14 OR ESO! This is pathetic, really pathetic.
  13. GodofSorcery New Player

    Ayyyee I can now put Shard back in my loadout thanks for replacing Wrath with something useful.
  14. Clutch Committed Player

    Did we just become best friends?
  15. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Mepp- Did the changes to giving power to our pets remove the blue numbers? If this a bug? It gave you blue number ticks when you use this power before GU34.

    Just checking if this is working as intended. I like the blue numbers so i knew how much power the pets were getting.
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  16. Mont New Player

    maybe a mail icon next to the toons that have mail on the welcome screen:)
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  17. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Don't forget Watcher needs a size increase to more accurately depict the Emerald Eye of Ekron.
    The size of the grand summoning watcher is perfect.
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  18. Leonel New Player

    eeeeeeemmmmmm so when they change the passive rage tank? ... the current liability is unusable plz
    Ice: +90% def & toug
    Fire: +65% healt + 2.2 dominance healt
    earth: def & toug 1x dominance + 25% reduction
    Rage 2/3 dominance healt -.- ... plz rework that
  19. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    I said it before and I'll say it again...
    There HAS to be a catch to making Sorcery so strong, it makes me worry. :oops:
  20. MRALoHA New Player

    DYNAGIRL!!!!! lol