Downtime Server Downtime - November 10, 2022

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Why is what delayed?
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate happens. If I were that worried about it, I'd stop off on test and take a look. We'll find out later today I guess.
  3. Jords21 Well-Known Player

    Was meant to be down at 6:30am pt time for uk was meant to be 1:30pm but it was delayed till 6:00am pt 2:00pm uk
  4. Príncipe Javier New Player

    ¿A qué hora nos dejará jugar?
  5. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    A half hour delay had you worried? Meanwhile I'm downloading and installing the update.
  6. Otaku New Player

    Looks like you missed Saturday's time change: 6:30 pacific time is now 2:30 pm UK time.

    You'll have to wait till March 11 for it to reverse.
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  7. Palmetto New Player

    Hey Mepps, appreciate the update and understand how things can be bit challenging. I wanted to ask for a consideration here on an idea I had or more like a request. SP i understand are awarded and I understand that with a league you can obtain them. But with that being said the older feats that no one runs as most in a league may already have them all, or it is just not worth it to the community to sit through the dropouts during them when the rarity of being able to run one. Could it be possible to put something in market place to obtain these past skill point feats? I like many I know have been away during some of these runs and have comeback with the time passing for obtaining them. I would gladly pay to catch my toons up so to speak. Because with each new update the line gets further and further pushed away. Also as a new player I did not understand the importance of SP way back then. I am not trying to cheat the system here just would like to right some wrongs from time gone by. Thanks for your understanding of asking this here.
  8. Ozman Well-Known Player

    I think Jords made a typo. It was supposed to be 5:30am which would have been 1:30pm UK time. Could potentially be down til midnight UK time now so pretty much screwed the EU players out of a day.
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    US PC/PS and Xbox are now online.
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  10. Darkus Infinitus Level 30

    Any timeline for US Server on Nintendo Switch for mentioned downtime? I use the Eastern Standard Timezone.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All worlds are now online.
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  12. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Banks are quite buggy in USPC, can’t see bottom row and if you go up and down they bug out and can’t see things
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  13. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Big high five on the On-Duty UI update! This is exactly what console players needed! This is next to perfect. Haven't had any lag issues with navigating through it, loading scenarios, or being able to ready up. Please pass my "Thanks!" onto the team that worked on this, they definitely deserve the recognition. I'm awestruck on how huge an improvement this is, not only as a fix/update, but to the original version as well.
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  14. Healing Juice Active Player

    The bank vault is messed up. I can't see the bottom row of the regular bank or shared bank. Everyone in the league also have the same problems
  15. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Triangle is back! Sweet glorious TRIANGLE!! Thanks. Now I'm loving the new On Duty menu.
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  16. Ozman Well-Known Player

    On duty menu: Awesome. Thank you.

    I've got the bank issue too. Fortunately the bottom half of my bank is my trinket collection so no biggie for now.

    Did we always have to unequip and re-equip an ally to change their support ability? Honestly can't remember but I thought you could just switch them on the fly.
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  17. FrogNinjaGuy New Player

    my game longer works, it always messes up one file. it gets not 5 seconds in to the download on the launcher and says its curropt. ive tried reinstalling damn near 5 times, on steam and of the site. cherry on top, of course there is no support on weekends so i cant play till monday if that. i really hope the interface is good :)
  18. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    In the ''Live Update Notes'' forum, it still says Update 130 (which is wrong, bacause 130 was the episode update for The Sins of Black Adam), That should perhaps be corrected in order not to confuse people.
