Downtime Server Downtime - March 26, 2015

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 26, 2015.

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  1. Goldstomp Active Player

    I don't understand why SOE can never compensate their customers for ANYTHING in the game, like free replay badges or something... IT'S ALL DIGITAL. They just need to type a few numbers and click and *BAM!* Customer satisfaction SOLVED. It would keep us all happy for 5 minutes and it is such a simple token of apology to make us feel like they ACTUALLY give a damn about our western world problems.
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  2. namemyne1 New Player

    If any constant complainers can do a better job then please put in an app and see just what goes on. Otherwise stop telling them how to do their jobs.

    OK ps is up. Thank you. :)
  3. Star Portal New Player

    So they give Us an estimated 6 hour downtime for the game update which turned into 11-12 hours. Then with that, they made the regular shutdown maintenance which is completely unfair since we had not been able to access the game all day. Then they make absolute thousands on booster bundles then take down the game for errors that should have been fixed and tested before it was patched into the update and regular paying legendary members like me suffer uncompensated paying for a game that we can only play when they feel like us playing it.. I'm not one to make a fuss but it really is frustrating.
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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Aside from the Anonymous hack of 2011 when we were given token gifts and free subscription time, if you add up all of the down time, outages, glitches, bugs, etc we as legendary subscribers are out a hell of a lot more than 50ยข. These things add up. It might not matter to Fremiums who pay nothing toward a subscription but it matter to us who pay monthly to play this game.
  5. Ramonater New Player

    USPS is back up for me
  6. Fatboy New Player

    True!!! The BROKER is bugged too!!! :eek:
    A message say that my slots are full but is not true, I have TEN, I repeat TEN slots free yet. o_O

    We love you, DEVS. Come on! Solve the problem, please. :D
  7. DcU Ares New Player

    Ok my frustrations is over, the world is back up. Bye bye.... For now.
  8. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I disagree, why are grown ups feeling they are entitled to something? Should understand there are issues and they are trying to deal with it!
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  9. SofaSlob New Player

    Couldn't agree more! I am done giving them my money and loosing time that I have paid for!!!! Time to find a new game!!
  10. GLJett New Player

    Honestly, the game has been running smooth lately. I can't remember the last downtime after an update and now it's like the end of the world and people want compensation. I hope the devs don't rush through fixing the servers because everyone is wanting them up now.
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  11. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Maybe they're not grown ups. =P
  12. The Fallen One New Player

    Noooo!, I was at the end of a mission. They pack too much stuff into a GU, the only things that this GU should have are Munitions and Lpve. This extra stuff could have waited till next week.
  13. GLJett New Player

    Good bye
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All servers are now online. The broker is disabled temporarily.
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