Downtime Server Downtime - April 8, 2015 - PS3 Member Grant

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 7, 2015.

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  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    it's not arbitrary.... they have been using the terms "member" and "non-member" rather than premium, free and legendary for more than a year.
    Even Legendary or Subscriber is not used as much as the word "Member" anymore.... but it's all semantics and you are reaching.
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  2. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    As you claimed yourself the term "member" is not part of the contract (ToS), Mepps can define every word not defined in the "contract" as he likes. It is not legal to re-define a term used and defined in the contract. If you weren't suffering from selective perception you would have noticed that the use of the term "member" however is consistent from as well SOE as Daybreak Games by now and always has been referring to subscribed customers; around Christmas 2013 the term "former members" was used to refer to no longer subscribed customers. There is no "sudden" definition or re-definition as you try to point out.

    Ok, go ahead then.

    Actually, as avid as you are in pointing out what is against the ToS I'm surprised that you don't seem to know that accusing other users of trolling is indeed a offense against the ToS itself. I guess that is just another case of selective perception becoming a problem. Besides that, initially I was just trying to help you understand your mistake. But some things/people can't be helped nor cured, so - as stated above - go ahead. Once you enter college, people their will help you with your perception. Well, hopefully.
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  3. ImMilkshake New Player

    Thank you!
  4. lukelucky Devoted Player

    well i own the disc and i have been here since very early on. did i go for the cheap option? NO i will not use a ps4 if dcuo fails and i have been unsure of this games future. 6 months after i was skeptical sony sold S.O.E.

    as far as i dont argue with......... take that high and mighty horse crap and go away. you really think i care about grammer correction while on a forum? next time ill have my secretary type to you.

    my favorite part of your utter lack of smarts. "Like I said in my original post, it seems inconsiderate due to the fact it caused inconvience platform wide for a few days" lets compare. ps4 had half a day WHICH IS 2 BE EXPECTED WITH ONLINE GAMES vs 10 days of not being able to log in without risking your entire platform. the ps3 with the frequent hard crashes took damage. could of been ruined. so we have days vs your hours. could they of done more for everyone? SURE. you though are laughable with you all mighty better than you attitude. i cant wait to hear what you feel you gotta say next. guys like you always take shots then deteriorate into insults and nothing about the conversation.

    its simple almost two weeks or half a months sub plus system damage vs half a day. for a guy who is not smart enough to manage grammer lol i can still see the difference here.
  5. ExceptionalAmazon New Player

    Why is there even a debate about the definition of a member? Mepps did not violate any ToS or valid contract between the company and the users. The ToS does not mention members, from what I read. Therefore, mepps cannot be in an violation.

    Let's look at it this way. SOE created a service, which happens to be a video game. Though the service is now run by a new company. In order to use this service, a customer (that is what we are) must create an account. Notice, in the ToS, they mention the agreement is between the company and the ACCOUNT. Not a member. You are not a member, simply holding an account. Difference.

    The service being provided (the game) has several different levels of access for the ACCOUNT. There is a free level of access, a premium level of access, and a legendary level of access. Free level is just that. Premium, well, in order to gain this level of access, the ACCOUNT must fulfill certain requirements laid out by the company (i.e. a certain amount of purchases). Once the ACCOUNT has fulfilled the requirement, the ACCOUNT is granted PREMIUM access.

    And finally, there is legendary access. In order for the account to gain legendary access, the ACCOUNT must pay a MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEE. This fee is recurring until the ACCOUNT is cancels the charges. Once the ACCOUNT cancels the charges, the ACCOUNT is no longer a member since the ACCOUNT is no longer paying membership fees. Instead, the ACCOUNT now has FREE LEVEL ACCESS. The ACCOUNT loses all legendary access levels. Everything.

    Premium level access accounts will never lose the purchased DLC or any other items they bought.

    It's not that hard people. Premium access level accounts are not MEMBERS.
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  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The grant is only for subscribing members on PS3 who logged in during the timeframe.
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  8. Hartnoir New Player

    Hi I have a question about the member grant. My boyfriend was still a ps3 user at the time of the update and he would crash pretty much every 10minutes. DC was completely unplayable for him... And then his ps3 pretty much gave up all together. We bit the bullet and went and bought a ps4 for him. He's not received any loyalty points despite struggling with his ps3 for almost a week. He's been a legendary member for 3 years too. Is he still entitled to the loyalty points even though he's been forced to get a ps4? (I should hope so)

    Something else I'd also like to point out. When we got the ps4 home and went to download dc online the game isn't anywhere to be found in the ps4 psn store (yet still available for ps3 according to the site?). I too play dc and very luckily have a ps4 so he could put my account on his console and download it from my psn library (although my account has to 'own' his ps4 now too). However anyone else switching consoles and who didn't have someone they could trust to do what we have done, wouldn't be able to play. I'm not sure if you've fixed that since... Haven't looked.
  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    You're not paying a monthly sub... Those who paid for the sub lost a week or so of time they paid up front for .. Premiums May or may not have paid anything since the intial 5 dollars that made them premium over free to play .. Perks come to those who pay monthly
  10. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    If you hadn't downloaded it from your psn library, DCUO is found under the Free to Play games tab.
  11. Hartnoir New Player

    Trust me we looked everywhere at the time and it could not be found :( downloading from my library was a last resort. if it's back now that's great.
  12. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    That's really weird and you even typed it into the search function? Something's really wrong with the psn store then.
  13. Hartnoir New Player

    Yea typed it into the search function and looked at every possibility that came up and the game itself wasn't there. Only the memberships and the starter pack thing (which we tried hoping it was but nope. Now we need to remember to cancel ps plus!).

    I have looked just now and the game has returned :)
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