Seppuku's Player Run FNL Requests Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Soulburn32, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Ok gang some of you might know my our league has been doing our own FNL live stream on the week's the real FNL is not being shown or occasionaly right after the official stream ends.

    Our recent runs included FOS2 in T2 gear for the speed feat.
    Prime in T2 gear.
    We completed Gates and Veng in T2 gear as well after doing the initial challenges.
    All runs with no home turf mods and extreme colda's only.

    This week we are turning to you guys! We are taking suggestions on what you would like to see us attempt for our player run FNL. It can be pvp or pve related.

    Twitch live stream will be posted here on the forums, youtube recording will be posted at a later time.

    Bring on the suggestions!
  2. JayJay2515 New Player

    Run your favorite raid dressed as the Titans
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  3. Vismund Cygnus New Player

    No pants run of all the bounties within some sort of time limit.

    Also, PRIME run with no Utility Belts, all DPS.

    Also, a Uniform run, where you all have a league uniform and no one can tell who's who, any content, maybe PVP would be best since it might be confusing for opposition.
  4. NexGen New Player

    6 man prime, t2 gear max. Everyone plays off role,'re dpsing soul, in tank gear, etc. Lol.
  5. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    Too easy. 5 man parodox, off-role, faction renown gear only.
  6. Omega 7 New Player

    What do you all think of Inner in cash gear (the blue gear original tied to renown at each faction vendor in WT)?

    PS-We usually start low and go as high as we can so if we start at Inner with cash gear, we'll continue until we can't complete a raid.
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  7. Darth Loyal Player

    I'd say Inner in T1 gear but that might be too easy. Maybe Inner in 1/2 or 3/4 T1 gear. The other slots would be empty and no utility belts.

    EDIT: Or in cash gear like Omega said :)
  8. Omega 7 New Player

    See my suggestion above, cash gear is blue gear (lower stats than T1), and lower stats than many pieces of level 30 gear (greens and blues). We thought Inner would be too easy in T1 and we've already done some of the other, higher CR raids in T2 so...
  9. Omega 7 New Player

    Way too easy. We need a challenge. One of the fun parts of this is to run older content most of us enjoyed in our time playing before our gear got too good for a challenge in the content. I think we're going to stick to old content in lower gear.
  10. Darth Loyal Player

    I know. You posted your comment less than a minute before I posted mine. I didn't feel like editing my post but I'll do it now just for you.
  11. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    Older content you say.

    Outer caverns. No weapons. Fist punches only.
  12. Whiteroom New Player

    Paradox with the broken door.
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  13. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    We are not live streaming the wave glitch to everyone.
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  14. Omega 7 New Player

    Such a sweetheart. Thanks.
  15. Darth Loyal Player

    I don't think he was talking about the glitch. I believe he was saying that you should do Wave because the door was broken so that once you wiped you weren't able to open the door again and had to leave the instance and come back to open it.
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  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Not the glitch. The crap fix they put in tbat you cant open the door if you wipe in a legit run now. You get one shot to beat the boss.
  17. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Run any raid, but have 7 of the 8 raid group members face away from their TVs (or even turn their TVs off). The one person that is facing their television gets to coach the rest of the group on were to go, what to do.
  18. Zim New Player

    Until they fix paradox for the ps3 I don't think anyone wants to run it. Its tough enough with an 8 man team doing it legit on the ps3. I don't wanna sit in a 2+hr paradox run.

    Let's keep the ideas reasonable.
  19. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Idea I like best so far has been BC123 in renown gear.
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  20. Lacedog Loyal Player

    no offense meant at all, but how about instead of a "look what i can do" show, you guys try and bring to light as much as possible the power imbalances in the game. ie guass grenade is actually usable while controlled and does damage, yet burning det, unstoppable, and winter ward are supposed to be uwc, yet actually arent because they do damage. im sure there are a million other examples that would actually make an interesting show