Sen Account restricted

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lordrodd, May 4, 2016.

  1. lordrodd New Player

    In my base when I try to set permissions for others I find that I can't because of some SEN Account setting? Can anyone explain what this is and how to change it?

  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    SEN like in Sony Entertainment Network?
    Are you playing in Xbox or Playstation?
  3. lordrodd New Player

  4. lordrodd New Player

  5. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Are you sure it was SEN?
    That's probably a bug or a typo in the code, SEN belongs to Sony. They probably meant Xbox live or something like that.
  6. lordrodd New Player

    It said SEN I'll check my Xbox live account and see if there's any restrictions there. Thanks!
  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Well their account could have user created content issues preventing them to be join your user created zone. This happens on PSN so it is reasonable to say it might happen on XBL. You'd have to ask the players you are trying to add.
  8. inferno Loyal Player

    Make sure you type the names exactly with capitals and lowercase.