Selling bits/bytes is my business, and business is bad.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Perseus Chase, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    So since the "total recovery kit" coming out, the price for bits/bytes drop way down. Don't get me wrong I'm not making this to complain about the kit, cuz I love it too but I was wondering is there any other way to make money since farming bits/bytes doesn't really worth it now, most of the time it only sell for cheap prices, and a lot of time nobody want to buy it anymore.
  2. nogimmick New Player

    i feel your pain. i used to do the same thing then prices dropped through the floor, it's nothing but a waste of time now. i used to spend hours farming to make millions, now i'll spend MAYBE a half hour to get what i need for my mods then not even bother with the rest.
  3. Anima Committed Player

    Synthetic mods are what cut prices.
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  4. Mick Nugget New Player

    Ive sold about 20 mil worth of focusing element VI's, also the new white "general" generator mods, the best two sell for 4 mil - 8 mil apeice, so running content is the best way to make money now.
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  5. RapidRay Committed Player

    With the addition of synthetic mods and Total Recovery Kits in the marketplace, it wasn't to hard to see the prices of bits and bytes dropping over time.
    One thing that I have found makes money is farming the classic game's collections. The prices have remained fairly consistent in the brokerages over the years and the demand for them is always there as people try to complete styles and other related feats. A Superboy Plaque Rubbing, Rann-Thangarian Plaque, Oan Disabler, Havok Servitor Datamatrix or any of the rarer collection pieces always sell for a sizable profit...especially when you find an extra one out there in the open world for free.
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  6. LowerWiskers New Player

    Not really. Since the top players always use/want mixed mods, synths didn't make too too much of a difference. They were for lower level/premium players that don't have cash to spend anyway. Now, as long as people remain using the same role, they can just pop out those mixed bits an reuse.

    In the time there is between gear sets, I will find enough bits to add a few bytes to my next round of mods, with out farming on purpose.
  7. Notangie New Player

    Let's all don our tin foil hats as I explain my theory. Premium was too attractive to many people. People who can afford to sub, only buy a quarterly dlc and get by just fine. Their only hurdle was the cash cap made it difficult to buy desired in game tradeable stuff. Their workaround was using bits as their currency. Legendary customers want to be modded, but don't want to farm. Premiums did legendary players' farming and it was a symbiotic cycle, bits for other goods.

    The devs saw a demand that was being supplied by premiums and wanted to destroy premium's work around economy using bits instead of in game cash. They wanted to make legendaries able to mod in a self sufficient way and weaken the "premium dollar" and introduced synths and recovery kits. It's a screw premium conspiracy. Am it right? If you say 'no' you forgot to put on the tin foil hat.
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  8. LowerWiskers New Player

    Sounds good to me. Premium is a silly waste of money and a terrible way to play. Get em!

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  9. Notangie New Player

    I'm probably going to be premium soon. It's super easy to deal with the cap if you have legendary friends.
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  10. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Many complained when synthetic mods were introduced that they would have a negative impact on the business of selling and trading... it seems the market for such items, with less demand now, has worked about like it should have, prices have dropped and the work of collecting is less rewarding.
  11. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    I make tons of money on broker still...I gave 100 million away to leaguemates....12 players each got 8 million....there are lots of ways to make money on broker....I'm not gonna share them cause I still want to make money....
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  12. somerandombats New Player

    lolololo ........ bwahhahaha sorry its just i spent weeks getting raked over the coals and being called a fear monger for warning of this.
    I notice those laughing off the warnings have shut up now. The collections and base items are your only hope and those are falling because no one has money to buy them cause they cant sell bits.
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Not to mention that Amenity collections are not required to have amenities.... make your money on teleporter mods while you can:)
  14. Malachyte Devoted Player

    You work for Oliver Stone don't you...;)
  15. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    Lol that what I was thinking too.
  16. Notangie New Player

    Not sure who that is.
  17. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Oh, then not a funny joke
    Oliver Stone is a famous movie director for making movies based on a wide range of conspiracy theory's...
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  18. Green Lantern New Player

    Easiest way is to try to get the new stuff as soon as possible and sell it. People have to have the new stuff NOW so they'll throw their money at you.

    Then go buy that same stuff for yourself a few weeks later for a fraction of the price you sold yours for.

    This coming from a guy who sold a Jade Hookah for $50M when it was new.
  19. Skidmarc The Disconnected New Player

    Ha, 50m. That was an expensive mistake someone made : )
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  20. Wildboy Committed Player

    Just farm for the Energy Battery Back and Captain Cold hood. Thereis no shortage of players who want to be seen standing around WT/HoD wearing what all the cool kids wear and will pay through the nose for it.