Seasonal Q

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saiyan King, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Saiyan King New Player

    Can we pls extend the seasonal another week? Pls dont take it away. Having to spot larfleeze 12 times will take approx 2 weeks
  2. Delta795 New Player

  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I had to wait a year to get my last 4, so agreed ^
  4. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I agree that it should be extended at least 2-4 days to makeup for the Christmas downtime but no more than that as it has been out for a while now. If you are just starting the spot larfleeze feat then that is on you and you are just going to have to wait until next year if you don't make it by the time they remove it.
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  5. Saiyan King New Player

    Ya'll sound really greedy lol. But good point @EPice 4 days for the down time atleast
  6. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I'm not sure if you are joking, but this shouldn't be the point.

    The point is that - in contrast to before - THIS TIME the end date for the seasonal has been announced early on several channels. So there was really plenty of time to do the 12 days of larfleeze feat. and every other xmas feat, that is (as you can get 8 marks daily per toon without spending replays, this should be a piece of cake).
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    They probably will due to the downtime.
  8. ChuckLess New Player

    This is my 4th year doing this seasonal... i still don't have that feat :p
  9. Saiyan King New Player

    Im js that it should be extended cuz of down time. And would one extra week hurt? Ts over on the 5th? Give us till the 12th.