scrim pvp settings

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by ZEOKEN, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Buckley Loyal Player

    So insight, yes. I get it, it so that FNL can look better, faster. Faster matches, faster gearing, faster queuing. This has nothing to do with balance its all about the speed. And maybe if you get it to ga fast enough players won't notice the imbalance or that things don't work as intended. Good luck with that.

    I, will actively participate as slow as i can.
  2. Buckley Loyal Player

    So DPS gets "Competitive" and support rolls get "Fun", Yes I can see the balance you are talking of.
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It actually does have to do with balance. Top teams are able to keep themselves alive consistently and prevent team wipes despite dealing with apparently crippled healers and over powered DPS's. If they couldn't do that, more people would be KO'd and the matches would in turn go faster. so like I said, a little bit of insight; it'd go a long way. As per population, you forget that that the first FNL tours were also extremely shaky in terms of participation. That's not to say there aren't issues with individual powers though, but that's an issue across the game. So I've got no clue where you were planning on even going with this.

    Either way before this descends into the realm of off topic, the way it's set up now actually keeps it accessible to new players and divides the community as little as possible so new players may eventually get into PvP enough to scrim with the options that the OP has described should they decide to.
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  4. Buckley Loyal Player

    Yes I totally agree. Having a strong team beat a weak team totally shows that this is working as intended.

    Still does not change the fact that HT and the rest was removed from PvP and now players want it back in PvP but only to their liking.
    Why not also remove PvP feats associated with the content that was removed also removed from PvP. Dont bother I have a answer.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Once again, USPS. The teams there were far more evenly matched. Even if a strong team does beat a weak team and the matches went on for as long as they did, that just further proves my point.

    What exactly are you getting at here? It's an entirely different scenario than the one you're describing. You're acting as if people want a full 360 on these changes.
  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I've gotten to the popcorn part of the thread.
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  7. princode New Player

    we all know now dps is the best role in pvp. wht i'm saying is to actually make each role have their own advantage. Of cause i do not want to see tank and healer back in the old day where tank is near unkillable and healer can heal back all the damage taken.

    I had faith with the developer they are in the right direction how what they need to do is to balance tank and troller role in pvp. if you have good suggestion post it and discuss instead of shooting down all the comment ppl post here =)
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Maybe in 1v1 and 2v2, but those aren't the competitive modes for arenas :p
  9. Buckley Loyal Player

    That is exactly what the players are asking for. PVP scrims was your own rules and PvP arena was with all the bells and whistles.
    Now you have PvP Arena with your(PvP players) rules and want PvP skrims with the bells and whistles(including an on off switch).

    The whole process could have been a lot faster if you just put the on off switch on PvP arena, yes, yes I know. The Speeeed of matches and queues. All that shows is not everyone wants the PvP like it is, all PvP players have done is taken the choice away from other players that want to do it that way and still get rewarded. If the queues are so long when you queue for a barebone match then that should indicate that there are too little PvP Players that want to play like that and the other players that want the bells and whistles should not be punished for it by getting no rewards in a scrim match or forced to play your(PVP Players) way
  10. princode New Player

    I dun see any issue with pvp this update..queue is freaking fast you get 1 match after another. PVP scrims should have no reward and purely for fun cause we all know how imbalance home turf item is. I think skill pvpers feel pvp should have been what it is now. People who whine is all those unskilled player who solely depend on gear and consumable.
  11. Buckley Loyal Player

    then there should not be a problem with having the option for PvP with HT and without. After all there are so many skilled PvP players that would queue without the HT option on.
  12. Wicked Banana Well-Known Player

    So far, i have seen quite the opposite, it is usuallly the skilled players that whine about the state of PvP and want things to change...
    The majority of unskilled and depended players do not take the time to share their thoughts and wishes on this topic.

    The queue after queue you mention, at least on EUPC, is usually new players with low PvE gear that take a swing at PvP.
    I rarely see anyone of them return within a week for another match, so i don't think that they have taken the time to properly assess PvP and come to the forums to whine about it.
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  13. Requake Dedicated Player

    I think you're missing the fact though. Scrims are premade. Queues are not.
    Now imagine, if you get rewards for a scrim and I would need 5000 MoV.
    I might just queue against my mate in -whatever the shortest map possible is- and farm 200 marks per win.

    Hardcore PvP'ers will agree that consumables are a good thing, New PvP'ers aren't able to judge as they wouldn't (/can't) know.
    Now imagine, if you get rewards for a scrim and I would need 5000 MoV.
    I might just queue against my mate in -whatever the shortest map possible is- and farm 200 marks per win.

    But that's besides the point. The thing what this thread is asking for is to make certain stuff allowed during scrimmages. This probably won't even affect you as I highly doubt you scrim on a regular basis or at a decent level.(Maybe you should stick to PvE threads to advice players how to advance their CR the fastest way possible)

    Fact is, if it would be an option, it would be a good thing for probably a minority, but that way PvP actually gets some proper love as well and newer players can queue into arenas without getting steamrolled. (Which is according to them due to consumables and such)
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    To paraphrase one of my favorite critics, you're either replying to the wrong person or projecting so hard you can point yourself at a wall and show off power point presentations. This is you just being intentionally argumentative. Almost no one is going to like every little thing about an aspect of the game.

    This... is not what people were asking for. A few people were, however not quite like this. For me, even with my high ELO queue times are around the same time, and I'm fighting a pretty good balance of new people and familiar faces. Not to mention you missed major developer points this season. They said that they actually will look into putting consumables back in if that's something people want, however in order to try and make things more balanced than they were previously, they actually wanted to start bare bones.

    As per them getting rewarded, we went over this already. Like having map rotations, having one mode of PvP keeps queue times faster, as repeatedly stated by the developers. Unless you're going to actually go out and get me something that says otherwise, you're just being stubborn here.
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  15. Buckley Loyal Player

    So it should not influence the queue or the HC PvP players if there was a option to have HT as an option in PvP arenas.
  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Anyone saying DPS is the strongest role in pvp obviously hasn't played in any 5s premades against decent players.
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  17. Requake Dedicated Player

    I wonder, have you even read the title of this thread? Let me help you with this issue:
    Scrim pvp settings.
    This has, in no way, to do with the queues in arenas. Please, the new gear has been out for a good while, weren't you the one 'just PvP'ing for your styles' ? How does this even matter to you then?
    Got nothing to replay in PvE anymore?

    Anyways, if people while scrimming would want to use HT, they would be able to as the option would be there.
    Same would go for consumables and trinkets for example. In the past there were a lot of unwritten rules in scrims.
    No HT trinkets, no movement debuffs (who got removed, if you didn't know yet), even if you would be allowed to use WM or not, etc etc.

    In arenas pretty much anything would go, in scrims if you would pop your supply drop, people would continue to play but didn't actually count the match as HT was dropped (White mods are a different issue, kinda hard to take them out once you added them to your gear)
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  18. Buckley Loyal Player

    Fact is the PvP community is not as big as it would like to think it is. The only reason why queues seem better is because we are forced into it. There is no options for with HT or without. And if there was a option for the HT the few HC PVP players will just be queuing against the same bunch of players. And that bunch of players will quickly get smaller once a pattern is established.

    If fos2 was the only raid in DCUO, you could argue that that is the most popular raid, look how many players do it daily. Same here with PvP look how popular the new changes are, well its not popular its the only option.
  19. Buckley Loyal Player

    Scrim pvp settings. is what arenas was and you did not want that'
    And all that was removed because of the PvP players not PvE. PvP players was the reason you dont have the option anymore, now you are crying to get it back, Sure I agree but also on arenas.
  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Oh damn, scathing denouncement from the Man Himself. I agree, but I have nothing else to add. Good day I say, sirrah, Good Day.