Scrap conversion idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zpred, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Hi not sure if this has been suggested but I thought it was a good idea so here goes.

    I thought it would be a good idea if we could make use of older scraps, so for example, if I have collected everything that took spordium scraps to make then these are just going to pile up, of course we could always delete them but why delete them when they could be put to better use.

    My proposal is, could we convert older scraps into newer scraps, so metaloid into spordium then spordium into drenzium and so on. But you can't go metaloid into drenzium, they would have to go 1 into the the next highest then that one into the next highest from that etc.

    I haven't done the math, but just an example.. Say 100 or more maybe spordium converts into 10 drenzium, or something along these lines. The devs would have to do the calculations/math on what they would give etc.

    This isn't a fix for the Rng, it won't fix the loot system an i still prefer how we had it years ago with best gear in vendor, but a least this a little something to help people gear a little faster an make better use of older content/scraps. And it shouldn't effect replay sales too much either, because let's face it so many are getting fed up with the replay/no gear saga alot more these days then before. :)
    • Like x 4
  2. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    This sounds good, we should...
    Zpred the idea

    D: sry i had to!, but i do like the idea.
    • Like x 3
  3. Zpred Dedicated Player


    Haha no problem give it a thumbs up you never know :)
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  4. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    We have had tokens of [content] that dropped from the bosses, and you needed half the amount of tokens together with the full amount of marks to purchase gear.

    People complained that they could do nothing with the tokens an they were capped at 100, and had nothing to buy with them.

    So they scrapped that idea and moved to mark relevancy.

    With crafted gear they picked up the idea, but made it scraps from salvages. Once you have surpassed that CR bracket that the scraps come from they are useless by intent. The whole design behind them is that they become obsolete. And it's good that they do.

    You can, however, sell them (I recommend to fuse them first, though to get working on the crafting feats).
  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    When you read a thread and see that ||The Question|| posted there.

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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Imo scraps just shouldnt be RNG. Each piece of content u run that episode or cycle should give a reward box with a set # of scraps. So a duo could give 10, an alert 15, and a raid 20. Just example #s.
  7. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    I also never understood how the non-RNG way to get gear had to have a RNG element...
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Exactly. That crafting thread was 35 pages long and the overwhelming feedback was we dont like the crafting system currently in the game. But no changes to it. No news on it may get changed. Or it will get changed a year from now when it wont even matter anymore. I just dont understand how things move so slow around here when it comes to changes that people clearly want to happen. If the feedback isnt listened to then why ask for it and why do we give it :confused: