Score Board Chasing??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jokersjoke, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Jokersjoke New Player

    I've played this game forever (back when I only played pvp, the good ole days :)) and I've only seen it there. I have never seen this score board chasing in pve at all. Now if you notice a dps is not doing enough damage on the score board he has to go, that's not score board chasing that's common sense. But people trying to get the highest damage out or healing out or power out is absurd. I play on the PC servers so if this a thing of PS servers then tell me so I can stop caring about it.
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Then you have never even once played this game. At all. Ever.
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  3. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Is it the shoes?
    No it's the POST!
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  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    This is a joke, right? You simply can't be serious.
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  5. ChuckLess New Player

    I'm thinking now it must be. Unless this is a soloist 99% of the time and has never been to the forums before. Although, he's been a member here since 2013 sooo... now I'm just confused.
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  6. Jokersjoke New Player

    You on PS server of PC server?
  7. ChuckLess New Player

    PC for 4 years.

    Edit: And the only thing that has EVER mattered, from day one, as a DPS, is the numbers on the scoreboard.
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  8. Jokersjoke New Player

    Can someone provide an example of this cause I've never seen this.
  9. ChuckLess New Player

    OK. Now I get it.
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  10. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Welcome to the forums :)
  11. Jokersjoke New Player

    Yeah I don't see where the problem is. No one is going to rage quit if they are not doing the most damage. If a person is bad at dps they should be kicked/replaced.
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  12. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Have you ever done any duos, alerts or raids? I will give you an example. Just yesterday I was on my Quantum alt toon in DPS stance (113cr) in Leaguehall duo and I had a 115cr munitions partner. I looked at the scoreboard just to see how I was doing (always trying to improve ;)) and I was ahead of him.

    So, we get to the last boss and he brings out his henchman, drops orbital strike, drops a supply drop, pops a soda and goes haywire on Mad Harriet. He ends up "winning" on the scoreboard and all I could do was laugh about it because it was so obvious. This has happened a few times when people see that they are not on top and that is just in some of the duos I have been in. It gets way worse in alerts and raids.
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  13. Jokersjoke New Player

    That's great! The competition helped the duo get done faster.
  14. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Yup. DPS running ahead of tanks , not picking up fallen team mates, destroying trash items all to chase the board. Happens all the time. But as I said the OP simply cannot be serious. It's gotta be a joke.
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  15. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Yeah, I am really starting to believe that this guy is trolling.
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  16. Jokersjoke New Player

    I feel like I'm the only one here that uses the kick option. I mostly play tank so I see this.
  17. Jamos Well-Known Player

    When I'm on my quantum dps I often check the score boards... to make sure that I'm not on the top. Right now I'm about fair to average on him and I start to get concerned if I'm the one on top. I'm fine with second or third. First is too much pressure, man!
  18. ChuckLess New Player

    Well, the only real way this is going to be resolved is for Support Role players to go on strike and for the Devs to rais the Premium cash cap.
  19. Jokersjoke New Player

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  20. ChuckLess New Player


    DO IT!!!
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