Save the charge attacks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeathLoli, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. DeathLoli New Player

    If you want to save Staff, Dual Wield, Handblaster and One Handed. Post here.

    If i am the only one i'll drop it but i'm hoping thats not the case.

    I've been using staff for 3 years mainly because it's charge attack was so perfectly implemented. To me no other weapon felt so smooth or perfectly natural and fluid.

    1. it's infinitely granular. it fires the split second it is released allowing for better timed block breakers

    2. When opportunity allowed it could be charged to full for a nice big hit.

    3. It required exact timing to be chained effectively. Which is something anyone (like myself) who loves fighting games can appreciate.

    Homogenization is not true Balance.
  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I think the timing things was one of the problems. Even a bit of latency would make the timing go to hell.
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  3. Twilight Man New Player


    (Staff user by the way)
  4. Baryon Boy New Player

    Yeah, no, removing the charge-up bar is a good thing. It's slow and clunky and can cause latency/communication errors with the server. All that's happening is your Staff ranged charge-up is going to change to something more like Brawling hold range (funnily enough, the Brawling hold range used to be a charge-up as well waaay back in the day).
  5. Alpha XXX New Player

    By no means are these weapons going away, no need to panic as yet indeed the chances are they will be treated favourably in response (at least until the community gets their hands on them and starts shouting for nerfs ^^).