saint walker in 1x1 and funny

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Michael17, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Michael17 Well-Known Player

    he dies fast
  2. IdontDps Committed Player

    In before the lock
  3. SevereLouis New Player


    Low Hp
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  4. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    What kind of people are you playing with/against? Santa's still one of the better legends out there.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I know. Santa is absolutely one of the most fantastic legends in game.

    Ok, seriously he has the lowest tier of health. He used to be pretty balanced until they nerfed his lantern for some reason.
  6. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    im actually ok with his lantern being fix it
  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Saint is easily one of the worst legends now.
  8. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Just played a good deal of 2v2 matches today and I can say that he's still good as I remember him to be.
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You must not remember him very well then.
  10. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Saint's temperance used to deal around 2000-2500 damage pre-nerf, his 1 was also able to be JCd instantly. He was top tier when he was first released thanks to insane DoT as well as great counter punishment + the SC to reset a fight.

    Now temperance deals 350-400 damage and 1 cannot be jump cancelled. He's at the bottom due to lacking counter punishment, poor DoT, poor to average survivability with only the SC and finisher giving him anything anything really worth using. Not to mention other legends have better versions of finishers (SG, WW, Faust, Cheetah) and better SCs (Bane, Atro, TF).
  11. TheWhiteFace New Player

    If you want to really practice counter caution I suggest Saint Walker. His Low HP does make him a bit difficult to use. I've used Saint Walker a lot in the past and I've done ok. I'm not going to do damage like Catwoman, but I will be practicing my counters. It's just as important to know your counters as well as your powers. Using a low tier legend like Saint puts you into some of the most disadvantageous situations and you have to rely on the damage via counters and weapon.

    It would be nice to see Saint get a buff, but as of right now he's a good teaching tool.
  12. BozzJuanito New Player

    he has a shield.............
  13. Talve Dedicated Player

    So does Catwoman and WW,
    and their shields are better.
    And they do more damage.
  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Only way if I can win with Saint is if i never get countered and their character doesn't have alot of CC.