Roleless buffs and the hate they bring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Winter Sabel, Sep 13, 2017.

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  1. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I guess you missed this post below.
    This post

    and the many other posts & threads about this and associated issues that the DCUO Devs created.

    I can tell you this. If my children were still young enough and they wanted to play this game it would be an absolute no because of the cancerous toxic garbage that DCUO devs let happen. They let the criminals run the asylum and the fools run a muck.

    I like this game but it's just getting beyond ridiculous.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    fixed it for ya ;)
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and as I've said numerous times, thats why I build my own group


    the horror I know

    but guess what? if someone joins as a troll and doesnt troll, guess what happens? they get the boot to the *** ;)

    same for tank, heal or a DPS.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    it only gets ridiculous when you allow others to ruin your fun or dictate how you play ;)
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  5. Shifty Committed Player

    Roleless buffs are only an alert thing... Who really cares? xD if you want challenging alerts tell them to bring elite alerts back, I see no reason to remove roleless buffs ESPECIALLY when there's literally only a handful of trolls right now on the game. Now I'd be fine cause I'm primarily a troll anyways, but still to the countless other people. It'll be a struggle for others to find a troll lol
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  6. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I'm for removing the buff, I hate it, I think it leads to role discrimination in content as you have described in some posts. All roles should be equally accepted by the group for all content. As long as there is a role less buff, you will have players exploiting it at the cost of some player in support role...

    With that being said, I am not sure you can police the entire game population to morally play and behave a certain way. Sure you can report individuals, ignore them, kick them, or leave the instance, but far too often the next guy will be worse than the one before them.

    For example, the buff doesn't exist in raids, yet we see the same types of attitudes and actions by players there as well.

    Yet, I think removing the buff could potentially help because those players are used to not needing trolls,healers and tanks, the hate they have for them, bleeds into the raids...

    Basically, Pew Pew Pew is like big tobacco, everyone knows its bad, yet everyone keeps lighting up saying how great it is...
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why dont ya'll like building groups answer me that?
  8. StillDeathern Dedicated Player


    Its far faster to que and get what you get instead of sitting shouting looking for a tank, a troll and a dps... spend 10 mnutes looking for a troll, then que, 12 minutes for the instance, for a total of 22 minutes... que done in 14 flat.
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    then stop b****ing that people expect you to DPS b/c thats exactly why they want more DPS.

    because its faster.

    if you arent willing to take the time to build your own group, you have NO room to complain, ZERO, notta, NONE.

    because you arent using 1 obvious tool the games and the developers give you.

    yet ya'll want support to matter yet would rather blind queue b/c its faster :rolleyes:

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  10. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I guess that's the whole point isn't it? It shouldn't be possible for it to be faster without the actual roles present. The buff shouldn't be that strong. A full DPS group should take longer, struggle more, and overall, be less likely to complete the instance than if the group had every role.

    The tool shouldn't be better than the real thing.


    Go eat a snickers, your pretty cranky today.
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no just tired of people not realizing how crap shape the game is in atm so asking for roleless buff to be remove would do more harm then anything.

    I have spent a full hour on reset finding a troll for raids. If you people so hell bent on hurting the game even more then it currently is hurting then ya'll must not truly like playing this game.

    I could see doing this with a thriving population but now? No way lol. Hell people in LFG struggle getting DPS' for alerts and raids on villain side on USPS side daily.

    dont believe me? create a thread and ask for yourself asking for screen shots and videos of US PS villain sides LFG ;)
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