Robot Side kick

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Horus, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    I see so many Dps using this, isn't Dpsing easy enough with weapon mastery . Do you really need free damage from robot side kick ?

    Take the training wheels off people learn your power set . But what can I expect from a community that runs to every OP power or weapon that comes out smdh.
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  2. Campor Well-Known Player

    Why does it matter to you how people choose to play? How does it affect you in any way? I highly doubt the Robot Sidekick is carrying people so well that they can get through content relying on it. They'd still be as capable or uncapable with or without it.
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  3. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Doesn't it get boring using the same rotation and load out as everyone else. It's like seeing a army of trained monkeys, no one tries to be original these days just copy the next guy . Most of these guys are just a cheap carbon copy of whoever they got the load out from .
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  4. Campor Well-Known Player

    Again, how does it affect you? People are free to play however they want as long as they're not causing problems for others. I prefer to make my own rotations or power selections, but some people prefer to look for the current optimal setup. In what way does that warrant this sort of response?
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  5. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    It makes me sad to see that majority of the community would rather copy someone else instead of taking the time to learn there power set. Maybe I'm just crazy or it's really early. But I think this game has a lot more to offer than cookie cutter dps ,
  6. Campor Well-Known Player

    Some people don't want to/have time to do that. Some people jump on, run some content, and jump off again. Some people don't play for theme or to experiment, they play purely to progress and see the content. It doesn't really matter how they go about it, so long as they enjoy it and aren't causing problems.
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  7. Omega Boy Committed Player

    I don't think anyone is running to Robot Sidekick because it's overpowered or because they don't want to learn their powers. It has nothing to do with cookie cutter layouts, there are just few powers that benefit from a rotation of 6 powers.
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  8. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Before WM everyone was running with Hand Blasters , before that it was DW and before that it was 1H. If you need a cheap exploit to keep up with other people you can't really consider yourself good. Like when the fan glitch was out every HL player who was using it acted like they were beast .
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  9. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Sure you learn the power set, choose your loadout and off you go. Wait!!! where are my WM crits.... start checking and oh... no crits with Fury, ok I'll swap it out for side kick, at least I get my crits back.

    Got several loadouts I'm playing with on my sorc at present until I decide that I've found the one that works best for me. One has a side kick and I don't consider myself a cookie cutter DPS thanks
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  10. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Agreed, but Robot Sidekick is nothing like those. It's just free damage that costs no power and is available to all players. Did you get outdpsed by someone running with Robot Sidekick? It doesn't even do that much damage. It's just slightly better than having an empty slot for most load outs.
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  11. MARK2099 New Player

    Was any hard even before WM? do you think the damage from that pet is even 10% of total of dps? players always want to maximize damage as dps, main reason they use wm, weapon buffs, group buffs, consumables for stats, sc, modded gear, ht mods, players are just using what the game has to offer, if you don't like or think all those stuffs make the game easier why not run in a small circle of friends without them? or like one poster say, is really affect you how others play the game?
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  12. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    No I was Tanking Lock Down and a army of Back Up and Robot Side Kicks were getting in my way while I was trying to pull adds to me. I have a fire Tank and when I had to unblock and try to pull again because there are a lot of adds it leaves me open to get my face kicked in .
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  13. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Ahh. Ok. That is a valid complaint. I would suggest asking the group to tone it down, but I know that wouldn't go over too well. Maybe Robot Sidekick will get an update to exclude weapon mastery like the sorcery pets. I bet there would be a lot less of them if that happened.
  14. winter13 New Player

    You must be a master dps then? Can I train under you ...please??? :rolleyes: :cool:
  15. winter13 New Player

    ^^This. I don't have anything else I need in that slot, so I put robot sidekick in there. Sometimes, I'll swap him out for boon of souls, depending on the makeup of the group.
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  16. True Savior New Player

    pay my monthly fee and I will try what load out u want. until then don't tell me how to enjoy my game
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  17. BigAl Devoted Player

    For some, its extra damage and potential split in damage in. I like it soloing and sometimes in raids/alerts. But the sidekick and henchman trinkets are worse than the robot. My robot stays ranged with me most of the time, whereas the other two mentioned will get in close and box in the tank. When you start the run, tell your group to watch the sidekicks/backups so they don't hinder your tanking. I personally don't have a real big issue with them. I've learned to work around them.

    Be warned though, in a pug, they may tell you to learn how to tank better (if you're pugging with THOSE people).
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  18. Malachyte Devoted Player

    #1 - Why do you even care what anyone else's uses ??? As I'm sure you are the best ever DPS that never uses anything other then AM and WM and top the charts by 3 mil every time.

    #2 - Stop talking about people using cookie cutter and copying load outs and such as I'm sure everything you do is not entirely unique of something you came up with on your own.

    #3 - So you're a tank that is complaining about pets, sidekick, backup, henchmen getting in your way. I'm sure you also complained about the quant trollers stunning adds as well.
    Gee, I would think such a magnificent player such as yourself would know how to over come such obstacles like anything other mere Tank running Lockdown as that is pretty much the norm, players calling out pets, sidekicks, etc...

    So why don't you just run with people you know then and/or your league to make sure no one uses pets, sidekicks, backups, stuns, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using strawberry instead of grape, opening presents Christmas Eve and not Christmas Day or anything else that conflicts with your style of play and what you want.

    Problem solved, now stop complaining oh almighty one and go have some fun...
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  19. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Not telling you how to play little Timmy just suggesting you take the high road.
  20. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    I understand your feeling. Sometimes I wonder about the choices people make in game but ultimately people should be able to play the way they want. The only time it really even impacts me is when I'm tanking and I got what feels like 15 sidekicks or backups surrounding me blocking me in and sometimes I can't even jump up to move around.

    But oh well...its not a big deal though.
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