Rivetted ventilator mask??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aggronator, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Aggronator New Player

    Was just wondering where the rivetted ventilator mask drops?!?
  2. Zizzi New Player

    FOS1 if we are both thinking about the same thing.
  3. Little Sister New Player

    First Boss to be a little more specific.
  4. Potent New Player

    Controller and Tank only though. DPS gets Simplified Ventilator in FOS2(Looks like poo). Healers get a Chinstrap(That looks like poo).
  5. Terribly Shocking New Player

    FOS 1 first boss. it literally just dropped
  6. Azrael New Player

    also last boss drops it as well- seen a tank drop
  7. Aggronator New Player

    Thanks for the reply's!!! Ran fos1..first run dropped and i got it!! My subzero/scorpion look is complete!!!