Revamp sucks or players sucks?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by William Campbell, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    My toon on cr 40 managed to carry 3 other players at cr 85 each.

    It's not the revamp at all.
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  2. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    I vote both suck. Just kidding. I'm ok with the revamp, some stuff needs work still don't get me wrong. Revamp has been out 3 weeks or so and I'm still working on different loadout for certain toons.
    Just remember this is an MMO, raids take 8 people working together to complete . The biggest 2 complaints I here is trolling and healing is harder. Maybe adjust your groups to carry an extra troll or heal or even dare I say adjust your spec to add a little more health or your loadout to do not quite max damage but something a little less power hungry. May I also maybe suggest using sodas and possibly using supply drops to help healers and troll for power, instead of dropping them for the damage crit.
    Just work on different play styles, try different loadout, and if you were not around before AM and were not a feat hunter, then run content to hunt feats, not only for the feat and SP but mostly because most of the feats in the game that are group feats teach you the mechanics of what to do.
    Remember players are only partially to blame for the way the game as been the past few years.
    But now it is up to the players to work together and help all those that need to learn how the game was before AM.
  3. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    We don't get to tell COKE how to make their soft drink. That it fizzles too little, that it isn't dark enough, or we don't like the way it flows over the ice in our glass.

    Yet, from time to time, they elect to change their product that consumers apparently love. When they do, people complain, say its end of the world, threaten to never drink a coke again.

    As time passes, those threats subside, some consumers who boycott over the change elect to return to drinking coke. Others elect to drink something else.

    Currently for some, the game fizzles to little, it isn't dark enough, and they don't like the way it flows... in time we may learn to like the product that is now in front of us, those that don't will elect to play something else.

    It really is that simple.
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I take it you weren't around when they had the "brilliant" idea to make New Coke?? :D
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  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Coke returned the original along with the 2nd product.
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  6. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Sure, I was around then. It wasnt the first product change they had, COKE actually had COKE in it at one point in time...
  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    That was years before they tried to change the product.
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    If you can't tell the difference between Coke removing actual Coke from their product for health reasons.....
    and Coke deciding to change their product to New Coke for now good reason.....
    Not sure what to tell your.

    As for your previous post...
    Yes... people DID get to tell Coke how to make their soft drink.
    They stopped buying the darn thing.... which made Coke backtrack and bring back the "Old" Coke.

    You are right.... people did not threaten to never drink Coke again.
    Again.... they just stop buying/drinking Coke.

    If they HAD to drink a new Cola.... it would be a new cola of their choosing.
    So yes..... they did elect to drink something else.... and then Coke was quick to bring back "Old" Coke when that happened.

    "As time passes, those threats subside,"???
    Again.....You do know that less then 3 months later.... "Old" Coke was back as Coke Classic......right???
    New Coke later became Coke II.... and dissapeared in the early 2000.

    People did returned to drinking Coke Classic..... NOT to drink New Coke.
    The "threats subsided" because Coke brought back "Old" Coke.
    NOT because people decided to settle drinking New Coke.

    Yes.... people can elect to play something else.
    But if too many do so..... DCUO will suffer the same fate as New Coke and dissapear.

    Do you still enjoy drinking New Coke nowadays???
    Good luck trying to enjoy playing DCUO once it's gone. :oops:
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  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Yea using Coke was a bad example
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  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Or a good example of what will happen if DCUO if it keeps on giving us the New Coke equivalent of DCUO. ;)
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  11. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Was it? o_O

    Or was it the right choice baby... :D
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  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Lmao that was Pepsi
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    players suck
  14. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Ive blind queued into Throne multiple times and people dont get the concept of getting the essence in the corner and having the tank kill him. Whether theres 1 or 2 tanks they just have them all together and sit there killing adds for 20 minutes lolol
  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Both really.

    An experienced player can do more with less.
    An inexperienced player can do more with flavor.
    An experienced player with flavor is skilled...
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Lol. Man, this brought back memories. Poor Ray.
  17. LORD CAKE Active Player

    revamp is perfect. stats really do matter. also all them am mental dps are trash now ty god