Returning Player Question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Mass, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. Black Mass Well-Known Player

    Are there any leagues left that just have fun? After coming back I decided to go it alone and earn my own league hall because every league I came across was role playing or driving feats 24/7 or having mandatory league activities or designated league only schedules. What ever happened to just logging on and bs-ing with league mates and doing whatever you felt you wanted to do to have fun in a video game. Now most leagues I’ve come across on here and in game have strict minimums on stats and guidelines for admission with it being mandatory to be a part of the league’s Discord or other website. What happened to just logging on, playing DCUO and having fun with likeminded people?
  2. Eve YouTuber

    Not all leagues are like that. Unicorns of Love (Villains, USPCPS) are super casual and just love to have fun and run old content together and help each other out. There is also a friend's league called Nerdcorps (I think) on US hero side that doesn't have any requirements.

    My league on EU doesn't have any requirement, people log in whenever they want and do whatever they feel like. Really depends on the league I guess, just stay away from end game leagues that wants to focus on being top. Role playing leagues are pretty casual too. I've been in a few, the only requirement was level 30 lol
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  3. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    That was one of the biggest annoyances I had five years ago when I last played... after years solo I decided to join a league. Yet, every time I logged on I would be bombarded with requests to run content when I just wanted to do my own thing most of the time and group when I was in the mood. These days, so many groups are all about keeping their league buffs and charts... that type of intense focus really spoils the game for a lot of players who aren't Type A personalities. ;)