Returning Player (Question About styles)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Super Summoner, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Super Summoner New Player

    I am a Final Fantasy XI player. Over time, XI has shifted away from what made

    I always dipped into DCUO over the years. However, I have not actually played seriously since....2015-ish.....

    Always felt lost. So, would log in, then log back out lol.

    My question is about styles. So, is it a real cash thing? Basically, do I have to buy capsules to unlock styles like back when I played? Have no issue spending money. This isn't a P2W thread, just a question on the state of style obtainment. Have no issue using real money.

    Looking to collect many of the styles this time around.
  2. inferno Loyal Player

    Most capsule styles released in the past can be bought either through trade or market with in-game cash. Some new styles will be behind capsules or bundles; same applies to materials, auras or emotes. Those will eventually phase into trade and market. It will likely cost you billions of in-game cash but it's there somewhere.
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    There are so many styles in time capsules but the majority of the styles available in game can be obtained by running content without having to spend real life currency.
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  4. Super Summoner New Player

    Cool, thanks folks.

    So it didn't change much I take it? Gonna look the content styles first, since the majority appear to be there.

    Thanks for the replies.
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  5. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Tons of styles in TCS But there are more within the game itself. Also bud grind source marks because there are vendors at HOL- Hall of Legends Hero and Villy that you can buy them from. Tons of styles so many it makes me sick lol but in a good way lol.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Welcome back to the game! I'd like to add that older collections also reward styles. The DCUO Wiki can probably help with us, but if you go around Metropolis and Gotham you will easily complete those collections and get styles! So make sure not to miss out on those (Plus they also will help to complete feats.) But yes DLC's offer 2 styles each (Event - Purple, and Regular or Elite with cold icon on vendor. The Elite version is also enhanced).
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    You can get the Time Capsule styles from the Broker or from Booster Gold too

    I have a bunch of videos about DCUO styles.

    Either from Vendors or from Time Capsules.... ;)
    Here is a few sample;

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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not a style horse, but many of the TC styles are pretty niche. I'd say you should be able to get a good array of styles just from running content. However, if you wanted a particular style and it comes from a TC, 100% I'd never open TCs to get it. First off, you'll potentially spend 100's of 1000's just getting the older TC's then you have to get stabilizers, then you have to hope for RNG to favor you. The broker is your best bet, the booster gold 2nd chance vendor is another option. You'll get quarks for opening other TCs, and instead of only hoping for that 'Forbidden' style chest or back, you'll be getting things for other feats or styles...then can use the quarks to get what you actually want.

    But I'd really just stick to the broker. If the style you want is NOT there or is too expensive, check back in a few days....or a few more days. It's funny, you'll see some piece in there for 20m one day, and 500K the next.

    Now...for materials or auras, that's a different story. If you have some 'must' material you want, you might have a long road to hoof before you get it. Some are 100's of millions, or so rare you'll never see them. But I'd still avoid thinking you'll ever get one from a TC...cause likely, you won't. I know you said you aren't worried about spending money, but you could spend a LOT of money. At some might be more worried.
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  9. InvisibleInk Active Player

    > My question is about styles. So, is it a real cash thing? Basically, do I have to buy capsules to unlock styles like back when I played? Have no issue spending money. This isn't a P2W thread, just a question on the state of style obtainment. Have no issue using real money.

    Ok, so you get your stabilizer fragmentation solo daily, it'll give you a stabilizer once every 3 days or 6 every 5 days if you're a member, so members get to open a big capsule once per week. I'm certain there is a community set up for trading certain mogs and capsules if you're looking for something specific.
  10. Super Summoner New Player


    Exactly what I needed. thx.
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