Retro-Futuristic hand blast weapon that I didn't save showing when I get out of primal wolf form

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by torinkok, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. torinkok New Player

    This hand blaster weapon style(Retro-Futuristic) keeps showing up on my character when she gets out of nature primal wolf form. It is not a style I have ever saved and her weapon style is bare hands. She wears hand style only. It's frustrating as I am a paying member so I can spend gold to get styles, which I am now unable to use because it's saving a style I never wanted. I don't understand why I'm paying more for my membership when that stuff isn't being fixed. Sounds to me like an easy fix. I may sound a bit irritated and I apologize for that, I do appreciate the new content. I really hope to see these bugs fixed in the near future because it would be sad to have to play a different game because this game isn't being taken care of as most games are without membership fees.
    Thanks for addressing my concern. :)