
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Buster Sword, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Buster Sword New Player

    We should be able to rearrange our loadout in legends pvp. Or better yet, give us 15 power points to spend and choose which powers we want in our loadout. So yes, that means 2 power trees for each legend characters. And if this is implemented, the countdown before the match starts should be increased to about a minute or two.

    Or maybe just 1 power tree for each legend toon and give us maybe 6 power points? That'd be so cool.
  2. Agent Flores Committed Player

    I do believe the purpose of legends was to play as your favorite Iconic hero/villain with pre-determine load out. Changing it was never the intention of the devs. Not say that it not a good idea but don't hold your breath for this to happen.
  3. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I don't see the power points one flying with the DEVs. I agree with Agent Flores that they want these characters to be fixed. The customization in the game is all with your own toons.

    I like the idea of rearranging the loadouts. For consistency, I keep my loadouts somewhat similar across toons. For example, I'll try to put an AOE on the same button for all of them regardless of build. So it would be cool to remap a legends character to the controls I'm used to. This one has some potential for getting through because it doesn't change the dynamics of gameplay... really just custom controls.
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