Request to the Dev Team

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solmes202, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    To be honest it's one raid the "some" are asking for only quantum. The is also hoh lab aid r2n and what I think is the best solo to play in this game. Mon morning when the dev team returns to work I'm shur tht there going to fix it so, I dnt see why u wouldent want this great dlc?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    To all the people saying "get over it" "it's just a game".

    Yes it's just a game, but it's also a game loved by many that at the moment is having it's integrity as a game completely dissasembled and 'sprayed on' for lack of a better term; by a bunch of impatient childish cheaters who can't properly play a game to receive the achievement properly.

    Sure you could say "oh but it'll be obsolete in 3 months" so what, that's not the point these people cheat now, they'll cheat whenever the opportunity arises. this DLC is 1.5 weeks old and some of you people are trying to say "Oh don't worry it'll only be 3 months" that is completely disrespectful to the players that genuinely play this game.

    Having that attitude belittles the players that actually take pride and joy in playing this game and getting those achievements properly and what these "cheaters" are doing is effectively spraying all over all of us as well.

    Action has to be taken over this, I say in the form of suspensions and gear deletions. it's unfortunate that 'genuine' people may get tied up in this issue but given the DLC has only been out 1.5 weeks I don't see the big deal in just rolling back all the gear. it's very unfortunate but that's just the reality.

    For the clearly obvious cheaters I say hand out 4-8 day vacations.

    Hopefully the devs will stand up here and draw a line in the sand and take some action, because to me the integriy of this development team now hangs in the balance in my view.
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  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Great post. I've been playing since launch, so I've seen all the previous glitching "scandals" that never really had any consequences. But I've never seen the community this outraged before. This is GREAT. I think the Dev's are going to hear this outrage and act on it to send a CLEAR message that cheating won't be tolerated.
  4. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Its not a case of not wanting the DLC, I want it very much. But whats the point if its glitched and people aren't playing properly/kicking from groups over power type? Even if it is only one or two raids, thats not the point.

    My way of looking at it; its like buying a car where one of the doors doesn't open. Sure, it looks the same and there are other doors, but you'd have it nibbling away at you constantly until its sorted. Plus, you would be wondering what else is up with it constantly.

    Furthermore, I want to wait and see what happens with it. I would hate to work hard at progressing my loadout, only to have the armour rolled back, or getting mistaken for somebody taking advantage.

    I have always played games honestly, because its a hollow victory if you've used exploits to get the gear you want. Plus, its much more fun earning things, and that feeling when you're about to get something nice for your troubless is a greaat feeling.
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  5. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I hear ya, but it really is one of the best dlcs they have put out in a very long time. I think there jus going to jot fix the glitch and call it a day. I don't see them rolling back any thing.
  6. Morsy808 Committed Player

    May be the case, but there's still going to be fallout after the hot fix. I'll wait for it all to blow over. Not like I'm short of things to do at the minute. Still have a tonne of feats to sort out to get my SP on par with my CR rating.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    The other thing I'll point out too is that this glitch appears to be exclusively on the Playstation server, so the only server needing a rollback or any action taken is that one.

    That immediately narrows the quantity of any innocent players getting pulled in. The obvious and easy targets for investigation are the players on US PS server sitting on CR115 with elite gear, anyone without elite gear obviously being exempt from suspicion
  8. Enzan Committed Player

    I think the solution to filtering out glitched users should be using the chat logs to look for keywords such as "Quantum" "Glitch" and so fourth to locate users recruiting people to use the glitch.

    As well as using "Damage In" + "Damage Out" to find people, because I'm sure people with low damage in and high damage out to a certain limit wouldn't appear legit, but I haven't bought the new DLC, so my knowledge is limited on it.

    Something along those lines can easily separate those who did Elite Throne legit, and those who took the easy road to glitch it.
  9. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Interesting methodology. I like the idea but not sure if it would be all that easy.
  10. Xibo Loyal Player

    The solution is putting the vendor in cr 102 and let the elite raid on 101. Problem solved. No more glitches!
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