Request: Styles on Uncalibrated Items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tenacious Blue, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Tenacious Blue New Player

    It's been requested before but this patch is looking to be pretty nice as far as quality of life features goes, so it's worth bringing up again. I was wondering if there's any chance of getting style names put onto the uncalibrated items (ie, Hand of Fate weapons). It's really annoying having to go into my style tab or feat list to see if I've already collected the style for this sort of gear (particularly with the Home Turf 5x Daily missions). The Hand of Fate crafted items could use the same treatment.
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  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    This isn't really the place to bring this up since it doesn't pertain to anything being Tested. With that said, i see that impossible at this time due to how difficult the programming would be go back and do this to all the previous gear. It's not a bad idea but that is too much work for the Devs to do that would hinder being productive for future content.
  3. Tenacious Blue New Player

    Except that unless they invented some insanely over-complicated alternative method they're using simple text macros in the item descriptions to handle collections and styles. Ctrl+F "ATTENTION", scroll through, add "Style: [mystyle]" to each items description. Twenty minutes work. Worst case scenario there is somehow no usable link between the unattuned item and the item it produces, in which case they have to add a style ID variable to the items for the description to use. Forty minutes work? Surely someone down there is going to show up hungover on Monday morning, desperate for some easy work to make themselves look busy.