Request for base item limit

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Knight Racer, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    It's time for my monthly request to increase the base item limit cap be raised to at least 800 items. Been asking maybe 4-5 months in a row and was hoping with the ps5 version of the game being released, there would be a few QOL updates for instance increasing the base item limit for larger bases like manor and house of legends style as well as my other thread of adding all those wonderful manthly login rewards styles to the marketplace.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I think there was a thread where someone requested the cap be raised by 1k? (Or something like that). I think someone commented that they’d would at some point increase the cap (not by 1k lol, but a bit). Base cap could definitely use an increase. I’m more hoping for a LH update
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I'd like an update on both base & league hall limits. I don't need it for me bases, to be fair, but I absolutely do need it for me league hall.
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  4. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I remember reading that thread a while ago. Mepps commented they are planning to raise it but that was about maybe 3 months ago. We've had a few holiday sales lately but with no place to put them, we really don't want to delete what we already have placed.
  5. Cypharr Committed Player

    There is no definitive proof to say people who make duplicate thread are nagging on a topic, often people are not just aware the issue has been discussed in a previous thread. So give it a rest and ride along. Post what you think is fresh.

    Pertaining to the base limit. The issue is not being able to increase the limit that's easy rather it is about space. With 700 base item limit I have only put about 100 items in my base and my base looks choked up with no room to freely move about which makes me wonder how you guys who have put the maximum 700 items in your base are able navigate the base freely without breaking base items to move about.

    Having said that it is unnecessary to increase base item limit.
  6. Knight Racer Well-Known Player


    I'm not sure if you're aware there is a base building community who enjoy that particular aspect of the game. It's very relaxing and hundreds of people make base videos on youtube. It's actually one of the features of the game that I missed enough to return from a 7 year hiatus. With more and more items being added to the game, we want to keep enjoying this feature but can't with this limit. I know I'm not alone in this because I've spoken to people who want the limit to be increased for their own bases as well. Soon as it's increased I have about 100 items to help a bunch of areas look even better than they are currently.
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  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    Yes I recently became aware of Base Crafters and I understand the enthusiasm. Thank you all for creating that aspect of DCUO you're all valuable. However correct me if I'm wrong but the same issue of space has not been answered. I only have one base so I don't know how it works for multiple bases. I believe every base has it's on limit or do all bases you have share a limit. Cos if every base has it's own limit then the issue of space in the base is pronounced but if every base share the same 700 limit what you should base asking for is not to increase the base limit but to grant all bases individual respective limits.
  8. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    Each base has a limit of only 700 items individually. However, not every base is the same size. Originally the same layout was used for multiple styles. Then the atlantian base got an extra room through an alcove (which is what i wanted all alcoves to lead to as a suggestion back in 2016). Then a new base layout came out for Mnor and House of Legends. Those bases should have been released with an increase of at least up to 800 given their massive size.