Remove faction divide and server merge?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Krual1, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Krual1 New Player

    Does anybody else think it might be time to just remove the faction divide? We already have task force X missions where we run content grouped as hero's and villains together. Now we have the HOL where we are all grouped into one main hub. So wouldn't it seem logical to just remove the factions and just allow us to join leagues together too?
    Still have it so that we create a Hero or Villain. Just call it create a legend.

    Also... Is it time for another mega server merge and just bring EU and US servers into one for each system? Surely it would do nothing but good for the community as there will be more players to do stuff with

    Just throwing it out to see what other people think and see if a Dev would give us a comment too.
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  2. Krual1 New Player

    As I had to wait for this to be cleared by the mods. It fell way down so I'm going to bump it back up. I'm interested in people's opinions
  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This is in the works. At least the faction divide part.
    Server merge is not a viable option due to lags or the way servers are set up.

    Its a massive change so it takes a lot of time.
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Source? You state it as if it is a fact.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't think you need to scrap the fact there are heroes and villains, just make it a touch easier for them to work together when desirable (raids and OW stuff mainly). Scrapping them entirely changes the whole first 1/2 of the game where it was much more of a clear divide.

    As far as server merge, if you are an EU player, I think you might regret that decision. If you were merged with the US, I'd guess your lag would make you '2nd class' citizens where some people might want to exclude potential laggy players. I can see it now "need DPS for XYZ raid...Post CR/SP/Artis AND Geo" or " EU players"). This game has enough issues keeping local people running smooth, not disconnecting or lagging out...I can't imagine what a few 1000 miles of transit would add to the issue, no matter how good your connection is at your home.
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Well thats what this whole last "Dlc" was meant for. To make a way of a shared HQ and ultimately Villains being able to group up with heroes as ultimate goal. Pretty sure you wont be able to visit the HoD as hero (without glitching).

    Not sure where i saw that but i think its something stated by charon. :)
  7. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I'm not against the Legends idea per se, but that also means that if there were Huge Villain storylines that the Devs wanted to emulate in an Episode, there'd no longer be a divide and everyone would be stuck with 1 type of content.

    Server Merge? HELL no. I'm sorry but according to Forum Members in recent Threads, the US Server is severly f***ed. As in, their economy is absolutely irredeemably screwed and theres no hope of it ever being fixed without full-on Dev intervention. EU is "bad", but compared to how the US Server is being described currently, its a drop in an ocean. Except its an ocean of s**t. Keep US away from us thanks.
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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I think something better would be having LFG as a cross faction chat, and villains and heroes seeing each others LFG posts, and being able to invite opposite faction to group and queue in together.

    This would be significantly more effective and would certainly make villain side more viable again. Certainly on the EU server.

    Until the above happens villain side will stay dead.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    They've actually said this a few times. It's in the works, but there is a lot to unravel here.
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  10. Krual1 New Player

    I don't mean it like completely remove hero's and villains... Still select which faction you want to be so you would still play the hero stories or the villain stories but you can join leagues with both factions. Easily group with both factions... That kinda thing really
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  11. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Big ole' "NO" from me on the server merge part. Merging PS and PC just further destroyed the game's economy, you wanna merge xbox with us too, where they had a massive money glitch not 1 month after the launch of the game. Add on to that the countless money glitches that the DCUO team has refused to enfore or punish...No, no, no no and more no.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    No matter how any Xbox server is economy wise, it is still no where as bad as the PS/PC server.

    But the OP wants to merge the EU with the US server. I'm assuming they are in the EU server and from what I understand, their population isn't as good. The only server that has a good population right now is the USPS/PC one.

    Poor switch is in the cold. There is probably, at most, a few hundred players at any one time. The devs really need to merge it with PS/PC, badly.
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  13. Krual1 New Player

    With the merging of the servers... I just want the game to feel full again...
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  14. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I get it but let me give you an example:

    In the alert Family Reunion-
    - Heroes fight an Evil Batman as one boss and then stop Lex from corrupting a young Bruce Wayne as another boss
    - Villains fight a good non-Batman Bruce Wayne as one boss and stop Future Batman from stopping his parents deaths as another boss
    Even Gotham looks different between the 2 factions. Heroes get a dark dystopian Gotham and Villains get a bright idealized Gotham.

    There hasnt been a lot of "split" content like that lately but the requests for it to return have been increasing more and more. A proper separation of Heroes/Villains objectives with opposite outcomes. After Death Metals episode, most other DC stories have a clear distinction between Heroes and Villains.

    So if we're all in one League or one group and alerts like that return, who gets to decide which version the group is forced to play? How is it decided, or is it truly forced? Thats what I meant.
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    There’s a difference between a removal of factions and opening up the game so that heroes and villains can group up.

    I personally think that the 2 factions should just be combined at this point. As in no more heroes or villains, just one big group of players with affinities towards a side. Anyone here play warframe? They have these things called syndicates. As you do more work on their behalf you gain affinity towards them while losing affinity towards another set. Doesn’t change what you can do just affects a few things here and there. It’s pretty obvious that they will no longer make raids geared toward each factions since it would mean changing the story/bosses of a single raid for 2 sides. Since everyone will be doing the same raid regardless of faction it does make sense to just merge them.

    As for the merger. That’s impossible. This game is based in the us. It make the game inconvenient for those who live across the world to have maintenance happen at their peak gaming times. It could also lead to lag for other players playing on a server based on the other side of the world. A faction merger would help solve the population issues to an extent.
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    If I remember correctly, it's who loads into the instance first and not majority. I've done the queue same time as hero side and got the villain version. It was when we needed an eighth and cross faction just started. We didn't think about joining hero then invite like now. So my single villain won only because I loaded in first.
  17. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Exactly. Thats how the system works right now.

    However, it still leaves you with options. If you pug it, you roll the dice, fully aware that you're rolling the dice, and end up in either instance, Hero or Villain, dependant on who in the pug group you just joined loads in first. But if you specifically want the Hero version or Villain version, right now you still have the option of arranging a group as a Hero or Villain, with fellow Heroes or Villains, and are guaranteed a specific instance.

    If there were no faction barriers then the guaranteed option is gone as long as theres just 1 person from the opposite faction in your group. Now theres a 1 in 2 chance in duos, at least a 1 in 4 chance in alerts and at least a 1 in 8 chance in raids you get the wrong instance. More if theres more opposite faction members in your alert/raid group.

    So in the scenario I presented to OP, which is admittedly hypothetical, if the "split versions" of instances returned, there'd likely also be Feats you can only get in your factions version, that you cannot get in the opposite factions. So either:

    - a brand new "vote" system would need to be designed and introduced to the On Duty Menu,

    - Feats would have to be standardized across both factions which highly limits how much the instances could actually be "split" and instead turns them into copy-paste versions of each other

    - Nothing is done, its left to chance, pre-made groups dont improve as much as projected as now you have to include "Hero Only/Villain Only" for most new content or any Feat runs, and Queuing somehow just got worse.
  18. GermanM Committed Player

    About the serve merge... Call me crazy, but if they fix all the problems the game have could be a good idea. We dont have manny people as we think. I mean... how many people play DCUO in each server, a few hundreds maybe?
  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    NA and EU do not belong together. We didn't become independent for nothing XD
  20. Blight KOBRA Commander

    The server merge I really have no opinion on one way or another (as long as I keep my characters names), but as for the faction divide between hero and villain for me that is a big NO.