Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    ..was in the middle of The Watchtower?

    Good times. :D

    Anybody else got some fond memories of Days Gone Past?
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  2. Controller Devoted Player

    I remember when Comic Books were 40 cents.

    THOSE were Good Times.
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Why are we showing our age here??? :D
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  4. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Nope i dont remember. but thats because ive always been a villain xD
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  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    They should make that the new jail. If you’re suspended, you can still log in but you get stuck in the old closed off broker with all chat , ques and warps disabled. All you can do is just stand there and look at a wall.
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  6. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Let's see.... thinking back to the PS3 days....

    1) I remember.... when you had to buy the actual game. I think I bought the disc for $60... and what do you know? After that I still had to pay for a membership...

    2) ... when you had to roll for loot that dropped after final boss fights.

    3) ... it actually took ages to level up your CR. Not like today where you can basically rank up 2 - 3 CR in a day.

    4) ... there were no "event" , "regular" or "elite" level raids.... seemed like every raid was elite level. Thus it was so hard for PUG groups to complete them.

    5) ... when Exobytes were the latest thing. It was all about blue and red stacks and everyone was farming Gotham and Metropolis for them.

    6) ... the power trees....

    7) Before there were daily scheduled maintenance times... the game would sometimes just go down without any proper warming and be off for ... what I recall ... to be days at a time. I often felt that they should have extended our memberships by the number of days the game was offline... but they never did.

    Great times! ;)
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  7. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    Need all roles for FoS 2 "come to batwoman for inspection" :D

    that lucky little time i got some mark of kryptons from the vault!!!! awhhh yes
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  8. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Remember when tvs were not flat and had poison gas in them in which you had to turn a fine tune dial to pick up 4 diffrent tv channels .
    Remember when cartridge console systems had no load screens at all.
    Remember when you walk along a road and real life people nodded and said hello instead of staring at a touch screen device oblivious to any ones existence .
    Remember when you just ran upto exobyte materials and they automatically jump into you inventory.
    Remember when seasonal collections were under 1,000.
    Good times good times.
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  9. Brit Loyal Player

    I remember playing villainside on Death & Glory with PvP popping all day long.

    And I remember, at that exact same time, we lacked the Task Force X queues and so I had to create two accounts, with subscriptions required, just so that I could partner with myself and solo the Duos to get my minimal amount of marks from completing the weeklies, because group PvE content did not pop for villains.
  10. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Lol, or like in GTA 5 cheaters are forced to wear a dunce cap, i wish in DCUO cheaters are forced to wear a dunce cap and a strykers island jumpsuit.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    How annoying could that be sometimes... That one guy always seemed to get everything....:mad:

    And, sometimes, you'd get the piece... and putting it on caused you to dc... o_O
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    this being my first mmo i thought it would be smart to develop a well rounded character by decking myself out in a combination of pvp ,pve, troll and dps gear...all at the same time.
  13. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Back then, anything could cause a player to dc.... actually, it's still like that today! Good to know that SOME things haven't changed!
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  14. Shn275 Well-Known Player

    I remember back when:

    1. we could use the yellow crystals in Robinson's Park to build supercharges while queuing for a raid

    2. there was an opening above the teleporters of each wing allowing us to fly or run over them

    3. you could only do so much in a day because Replay Badges weren't a thing

    4. Pengbot Maximus was the hardest boss in the Gotham Old Subway

    5. Mental and Hard Light were the "go-to" powers for Origin Crisis raids (don't remember the specifics but I think it involved the Light Weight)

    6. you could only earn gear associated with your Mentor (meaning if you're Meta, you couldn't buy Tier 2 Dark Specter armor)

    7. Fire Tanks were insta-kicked from Nexus of Reality raids

    8. you're leveling and find a strange looking rock that you could pick up despite not having Super Strength; afterwards you notice a little skull icon beside your name; before you knew it you were attacked by a level 30 player whom after defeating you would "teabag" you

    9. you could "teabag" the defeated in PVP (good times LOL)

    10. there was a glitch in Smallville that allowed the player to remain as Doomsday making the actual Doomsday fight a hilarious cakewalk
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  15. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    And to find your friends during the summer, you just looked for the pile of bicycles in front of the house while riding yours.
    Or to find out if your friend was even home, you went there and knocked on the door.
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  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Remember when TVs had to warm up before you could watch anything on the three-to-four available channels? :D
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  17. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    I remember real skill levels in game.
    Feating Prime in a modded CR75 suit.
    The entire population grinding CC.
    Iron Mike tank soloing every raid in the game.
    Good times.
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  18. ROOTE Well-Known Player

    Remember the game's 1st (or was it the 2nd) anniversary party at the Big Belly Burger near the water in Midtown Metropolis? So many toons, such intense lag...good times!
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  19. MC GreenLantern Active Player

    Remember when the knobs would break and you had to use pliers to switch between said 4 channels.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I remember when subs got new content a week ahead of people who buy the DLCs and people who did neither of those things were unable to play the new content at all (unless they did free eps)....cause you know....they didn't spend any money to get into it.

    Or when you used to be able to choose a phase vs trying to phase with someone....was good for farming exos or collections cause you could go to a low pop the opposite would be needed, to find a high pop phase for farming 50+ kills on the giant bounties.

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