Reimbursement for PS3 legendary members?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WARHAMMER 4000, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Any good company that appreciates its consumers will throw you a bone if there are issues!

    I think that's the point of this thread!

    • Like x 4
  2. WARHAMMER 4000 New Player

    Yes it is, just plain old' good business!! At least you understand this. Seems like everyone else on this thread is a heartless, ignorant fool...
  3. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

  4. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Can I get compensation for life sucking? :p
  5. MeloMan New Player

    I dont the people saying its taking too long. U think the devs want the game unplayable for a big % of the community? Of course not. They have to deal with psn and thats the problem. Im so happy i play on pc and dont ever have to deal with that stuff. Not sure if people should get anything, ya know the ToS and all. It does kind of suck tho and i think the right thing to do would be to compensate people.
  6. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Maybe not provide monetary compensation or credit, but at least give these players a free aura or something that makes them feel appreciated as a paying customer for the inconvenience of not being able to use a service that they're paying for. What could that cost DB? Nothing. Instead they will keep the loyalty that they are slightly losing over this issue from those affected. Again, that s*** happens sometimes....that's totally understandable. Game not playable for a day or two..........sure, overall people could deal with it and understand. This is DCUO we're talking about where on occasion we experience this every so often. Over a week, though? That is bothersome regardless of the amount we pay a day. I make good money for a living and paying for this game is nothing for me, however I would be pissed off if I am paying for it and I cannot play it regardless of how easily affordable it can be. That is the point here. If this issue was affecting absolutely EVERYBODY on all platforms, the opinions would probably be identical across the board, but since it's not you get the occasional a$$ hat remark or comment. Mind you, I am a PS4 player and I have had absolutely NO issues with this GU. This is about the principal of showing that you care for those that help keep your paycheck coming in and your business alive.
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  7. HazeTA New Player

    Check out FNL and say that again :p.
  8. Treskar Committed Player

    Seriously what is FNL?
  9. just an honest dps New Player

  10. HazeTA New Player

    Friday Night Legends. They said PS3 were getting something for these recent problems. It's mentioned about 5 minutes in.
  11. Treskar Committed Player

    Completely understand. Is late been out all day riding my bike, in the rain. Checking on paperwork I sent by mail to find they never received had a large dinner with family back from outta state and just out of it.


    Watched some will finish tomorrow.

    Thank you for explaining.
  12. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    Compensation. Hmmmm....I bought a a Ps4 a few days ago I guess I wont be getting anything.
  13. HazeTA New Player

    Anyone who logged in on PS3 during the period the problems were live, will get whatever it is they decide to give out, whenever they decide to give it.
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    That is complete BS.
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  15. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Wow, PS3 gets compensated for a week, but PS4 didn't get **** for the months of issues, there is something wrong here.
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  16. John Brawler Committed Player

    you can probably thank the switch from sony to daybreak for that.
  17. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Is the fix already live? I want to try and put on my tin foil hat. :)
  18. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Multiply that by the amount of times the game has been down since launch, not counting regular maintenance and the implementation of updates.
  19. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I just want a toilet.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    You likely will if you logged in with your ps3 during the past couple weeks...