Reflecting On State Of The Game and DB

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bathroom Dad, Feb 7, 2023.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    They're legitimately being that petty? :eek:
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Count me in too! Ryuko and me can help you out! I'm on both villain and hero. Besides, Playstation is really fun. You might like it. It would be great if you can get a PS5, the graphics are really great. There are still toxic people though, but they are easily avoided. And if any of them are mean to you I'll scratch 'em rawr!
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, sadly. On top of that they deem me as "trash" because I don't like to arti swap. Dog eat dog world over here. Why do you think I'm always so facetious and/or passive aggressive about the topic? :p
    Unfortunately the only content I really need feats from is the toughest stuff, in which most of the only players that can get them seem to either already have them/cba to do them again, or are extremely toxic and don't want to help anyone else get them. Or, just flat out don't want me to have any more than I do (purposely halting/gatekeeping my progression).

    That's not to say if I didn't try hard enough begging hero side I couldn't still get such things done, but I'd rather not stoop to that level. It's a lot of effort and exhausting.

    I do humbly appreciate the offer, but I don't think I'd ever want to start over, my character has pretty much like everything in the game. That would be rough, especially since I can't afford it right now (both time and money, little man just turned 4 months ^-^).

    I do love my Series X, and even though my girlfriend does have a PS4 in storage right now, if I busted it out I'd probably just end up playing all those "exclusives" everyone always raves about LOL xD

    But yeah, maybe someday :)
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh well, in that case although the population on PS/PC (US) is exceptionally higher and healthy, don't let anyone make you think those toxic people don't exist over here either. Those types of players exist on every platform.

    That's why when it comes to EG elite content or any difficult content I'm pretty much league/friend exclusive now days, I just simply cannot be bothered with the 'playground antics' that at least one person will almost certainly bring to any PUG elite encounter.

    I'm too old for that sorta ********, lol :D

    Hope things get better for you though.
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  5. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    On Xbox a lot of the players seem to know each other on a first name basis. Small community but consistent players. I prefer the people there over ps…..there is toxicity but less obviously, and I love how I can inspect/write down xbox name/block that and essentially never see the person behind that account and all of their alts. Ps had some weird stuff goin on, but that’s for another day.

    State of the game is as it always was. It’s old, closer to the end than beginning, players want the impossible and work each other up over meaningless nonsense that will absolutely never happen while the devs prioritize micro-transactions and gambling over quality content. Like a giant cash out before the inevitable. Not saying the servers are going down tomorrow, but to deny it’s not closer to the end (even if the game exists in 5 years what will there be left? The population is low enough as it is) at least as we know it, is delusional. I for one will enjoy a game I played since day 1 for as long as I can.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I never suggested to RavNoc anything otherwise. If you re-read what I said to him you will find I offered to help defend him from the toxic players on the PS/PC side.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I never said you did, I wasn't actually talking about you, I was merely talking to RaVnoc in general and about people in general who might convince him of such.

    My post what I said was not a reflection towards anything you might have otherwise said earlier, so it's cool :)
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh I know, it's definitely not my first rodeo that's for sure. DCUO was supposed to be my "retirement" from MMOs XD

    Just sucks it's getting this way, the community is way too small over here for people to be against each other. That's why I'm still fighting for at least more cross-faction options, to bring everyone together instead of the opposite.

    Right now it's gotten really bad and I feel it's important for the future health of the game (if there's not gonna be any merges), and it fits right in with the lore of the game as well (even the intro video).

    But anyways, thanks, all I can really do is hope/wait and see if things get better.
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I don't think there is much upside for me trying to engage in this particular kind of conversation, re: doomsaying and speculating about people. It might feel tempting, but the fear or disappointment you want to express exist on their own, separately. But, I like to make mistakes, so I will say this:

    People come and go all the time, mostly unnoticed, even in game development where individuals engage with the public on the regular. In this particular situation, we have had quite a few of our very few public-facing folks take off. It sucks but it isn't what it might look like from the outside. There have usually been about fifty people in the building over the last twelve years, and there are still about fifty people in the building here now. (Metaphorically. We're still mostly remote.) I'm sure we'll be introducing you to some of the new team members soon.

    Edit: For clarity and the "BIB".
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  10. Miserable Dedicated Player

    There are so many problems with this game I wouldn't even know where to begin. The problems responsible for the state of the game are the problems with the core game and not so much the smaller issues like graphics, animations, and other QoL stuff.

    Gameplay has degraded significantly over the years, especially for the healer and troll role (the negative effects have been much greater on those who adapt to the meta or focus on the more difficult content as opposed to the more casual players). Two things that would instantly improve gameplay drastically are removing EoG from the game and locking artifact slots while in combat. I actually miss the days when our biggest problem with the game was "balance" and having a couple of overperforming powers and a couple of underperforming ones.

    Fixing PvP would go a long way. We all know it's never going to happen, but a healthy PvP was/would be good for the game. A good first step would be to make instanced PvP as barebones as possible, remove any effect from PvE items including gear, artifacts, and allies, and experiment with the scaling of health, damage, and healing until it feels right. Easier said than done, I know, however I feel like it's more a question of resources than the task being too complicated.

    The population is low and I don't see it increasing without aspects of the core game being improved. No, I don't work at Daybreak and I can't give you numbers, but let's not pretend we can't easily feel changes in population just by playing the game. The speed at which LFG moves is one decent indicator. I feel like many of the money-grab moves over the years (arts, allies, time capsules) have been regarded as necessary by the dev team because of the decreasing population and they will continue to be deemed necessary if the population doesn't get back to previous levels. It also feels like they've decided against any efforts towards improving the core game and its health/population, and have accepted a role of maintaining what we have now for as long as possible. Yeah yeah, it's all "speculation", I know.

    Also, regular raids are too easy. We get lots of discussions about the difficulty of elite content on the forums, but we rarely discuss reg raids and how their difficulty actually affects other parts of the game. Lots of you will have a negative knee-jerk reaction to this, but no one was complaining about the difficulty of raids in the first few years of the game (bar a few outliers) and yet those raids were in a different league than current reg raids.
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  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This was done umpty years ago. Long long long long long ago. Long before allies were invented.
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Everybody gets tired of repetition eventually.

    Really. That's as much a personal experience thing as it is the fault of the game.

    Take a break. There's no rule against it. Stay away long enough and the game will seem relatively fresh, up to a point, again.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    From memory I think when you queue with nothing or PVE gear on it sets you at some sort of basic default level, personally I don't think it should do that, I think if you queue with anything other than PVE gear it should be like you're queuing with nothing, you're just dead - one shot, dead.

    The same should apply the moment you activate your PVP flag or duel as well, PVE gear, artifacts, allies, all of it disabled, if you're using it, again you're just dead - one shot, dead.

    If you want to play PVP you should get and use PVP gear.
  14. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Fair enough. It's good that that box is already checked, but there are still a few others that need to be checked before PvP becomes playable again. I'd need to go dabble in arenas again if I were to come up with a more detailed list, but from what I remember, things like power regeneration and healing are among the issues (and I'm sure a lot of other stat tweaking would be needed).
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    You are right, they changed it to be equivalent to the money vendor gear and did away with that set altogether. Fun fact, this is the groundwork of them implementing the clamp in PvE. They created the tech that allowed them to disable your gear and impose new stats on it. It was also going towards that whole make Arena like Legends for Balance thing that was a bad direction to go to.
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  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    If i remember rightly, it was cr 96. 1 lower than entry level pvp gear for marks.
  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Oh, sure. It's no secret that the company gave up on PvP many years ago now, and that this made and still makes a sizeable portion of the player base angry and dissatisfied.

    Though those most upset largely quit entirely several years ago.

    But Mepps and the devs have always been upfront about their feelings that from their standpoint, PvP took too many people-hours to balance and keep fair without there being much return to Daybreak as they saw it.

    People still can legitimately complain about this and make requests that PvP-love return, of course.

    I wouldn't hold my breath, though.

    It wouldn't hurt if DB had another 10x-wins-for-one-for-the-arena-feats PvP week or even weekend, again. It's been a long time since one was done. I have most of those feats and I wouldn't begrudge occasional opportunities for those newer to the game to catch up a bit.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Honestly it's all complete BS, yea.

    It's even worse in open world where the stats on PVE gear have run away so hard, wearing PVP gear is virtually worthless.

    You only have to inspect people as well to see them wearing certain bits to exploit white mods and various other things.

    Honestly it should simply be PVP gear or nothing, you enable that PVP flag or you duel someone with any PVE gear on, then disabled, stats set to zero.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Not that easy, and doesn't work like that with me (also it would never feel "fresh", that's just impossible). Not only with the extreme amount of FOMO (and it's not entirely FOMO, it IS missing out literally if I stop playing).

    Also, if I stop playing for a while, I will instantly fall too far behind for my own liking. I'm either in it (even if off and on), or I'm out completely. The game would be completely overwhelming even more than it makes me feel every episode release currently. I've seen friends do it many times, come back and not only be overwhelmed with multiple episodes, but barely anyone wants to help them grind them.

    On my server, I've noticed you either get the stuff done A.S.A.P. upon release (not talking about rushing, just running every day and/or finishing everything before next episode), or struggle forever catching up. Heck, even if talking about rushing, FOMO literally had players only return for the new world boss for day 1, finish, and then by day 2 it was back to the usual 2 phases. They knew if they didn't finish it 1st day, they would struggle after. Proof being that players were then begging others to help farm the boss because they missed out.

    But it is what it is, nothing I can do about it, nor anyone for that matter. Just my perspective.

    So it's just a big: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Yep, players liked to call it T0 gear. It was the stats on the vendor gear that you could buy with just cash, not marks. PvP gear changed a lot from then. I also hated the way they made you have to buy a full set to get the next level style. So annoying.
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