how do i claim it? i'm owed 2, i bought the 15K marketplace cash for 99.99 twice and nothing is in my mail or claim spot on the MP tab in-game. lil help here?
on PSN store it says promotion ended sometime in 2017, sooo i think this is a case of OOPS. not sure why it's still listed on the store though...
Yeah but for a long time we could still claim it on the MP. Somehow they changed something and it no longer can be redeemed?? but we can still buy it on the PSN Store??
When I read your post I was curious why it was still active because I thought it was an event that occurred several years ago. I hope you can get it sorted out!
The last time I bought the $100 bundle was 2020 I think, also past it's 'expiration' date in the PSN store, and it showed up in 'redeem/claim' under the MP. However, if it's not now, I'd guess they fixed the glitch on that end. Not sure support will do anything about it, however with the state of the game, it probably wouldn't set them back much to give one either. If you really REALLY just wanted the style, it is (or was) tradable so you could pick one up at the broker if you wanted one.
Piggy backing here…if you have alt characters who haven’t yet claimed the item, you should be able to redeem on them. If you’ve maxed out slots or just don’t have alts…yep throw in a support ticket. I’ve had friends do this and support has accommodated the request.
I recently purchased that 3 months ago and I didn’t receive the material in the redeem/claim section. I contacted support and they sent it to me. Even when it was meant to end in 2017 people was buying it later and still receiving the material. The material not sending is a bug. At this point they need to update it because the damage is pretty much already done if they wanted it to be a limited time deal. So, they should update the information to be a permanent deal and fixed the reason the material isn’t sending. The support sending me the material I’m pretty sure they know the pack still exists because I told them in the support ticket. So, they’ve probably been getting plenty of the same tickets asking for this material to be sent to them after the purchase. Luckily, the mc cash isn’t glitched like the material.
At the risk of you having to suffer watching another Multiverse video: Click DC Universe Online Sign in (If you don't have an account you will need to make one.) In the My Activities box click Contact Support. Where it says "How can support help you?" pick any option from the drop down box and this will start the ticket process.