Recommended Nature Rotation/Build?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mysticwarriormj, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. Mysticwarriormj Well-Known Player

    Just want a quick refresher on the best way to play natures DPS and Healer set ups. I am mostly using the old "rotation" from years ago when weapons still had stats in their skill trees and not sure if it has changed at all. As for healing I am really not sure. Also I only have 113 SP since doing feats are not that simple since i don't know where to start.
  2. Mysticwarriormj Well-Known Player

    Are there not any Nature mains/experts out there anymore or am I just being impatient? I really want to make sure I am playing nature correctly now since there have been a lot of changes since I played the game last (just came back this month)
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Nature is really flexible now.

    You can apply your same old DoT stacks, 3 (don't have game open right now, so forgive me if names are wrong, but should be vine lash, briar and serpent's call) plus swarm, if you're looking for long-term damage over time, great for bosses. Refresh and spread with the ability we always used for it whose name I can't remember, and toss in some carnivorous plants as power permits (or use a cross-weapon combo like smokebomb in the meantime).

    Supercharges are very viable right now as well, like the huge 5000 cost plant one.

    If you like transforming into animal forms, they all grant bonuses for about 30 seconds and give you more loadout spots. Gorilla form also turns a few single target abilities into multi-target ones, great for adds.

    If you want to take down adds quickly, use a few DoT stacks on your layout and go with roar, which consumes all your DoTs instantly for burst damage.

    As you can tell, there are lots of options based on your playstyle and whether you're going after single-target or adds, how many skill points you have, whether you like to turn into a human-like wolf, lol, whether the sound of roaring constantly irritates you, lol, etc. As a general rule, powers that do things (knockdown, stun, etc. like savage growth) do less damage than ones without effects.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    For Healing I'm using Savage Growth, Metabolism and Cross Pollination to stack Pheromones, Flourish to refresh Pheromones, Swarm Shield and Blossom for emergencies.
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