Recommendations and Questions About Styles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tat, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Tat Level 30

    People are taking advantage of loot drops by waiting to vote on loot drops. For example I recently ran Hard Area 51 with three other people. The Viking Helm dropped. Of the four of us one guy left without voting, I voted and hung around for 1.5 minutes, the other two never voted yet hung around and they spoke a foreign language. One of them got the helm which I too need for style points. My suggestion is to make styles part of collections and treat them like the valentine collections by making them nonsaleable in the broker house. So my formal recommendation is:
    1. Add all styles as a secondary drop in the vault and to collections.
    2. Include all pvp and pve styles not gear.
      • People should still have to earn gear.
      • Hunting for styles as part of collections will make collections more valuable as an ingame activity. Presently collecting the same street signs over and over is no longer valuable. Neither is fighting or racing through five people to collect Ace or Stryker or Arkham collections.
    3. Make the styles like the Valentine's Day collections and vault drops, make them nonsaleable through the broker house.
    Another problem with loot is that we should be able to comment about the loot while voting on it instead of having the loot window block the comment window. So while the loot window is active we should be able to comment on the list of loot while it is active. If we can toggle between the two please advise. Otherwise we need this option.