Recently returned but shame we have to play with…

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bourne4red, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. Bourne4red Well-Known Player

    This is supposed to be fun, it’s not your job.

    How about people support each other rather than criticise?

    Day 1 player thinking I’ll close my direct debit.

    The original carebear
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I mean.. that’s not a lot to go on. What is it you were criticized on? What part exactly isn’t fun? Not really any info in your post.
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  3. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Lol, ok go off.
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  4. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    Maybe you are doing it wrong?! Again, not much info to go on as the other has said. Sounds like you did something wrong, and someone called you out and now your mad. Well at least that's all I can tell by what is posted. Sorry and bye!
  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Not our problem is it? What are you expecting us to say? Theres a ignore button theres rude people in other games too.
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  6. L T Devoted Player

    OK I'll take a stab at making sense of this.

    Tank: Dude, stop running ahead. You're gonna die.
    Tank: Yes, in fact it is my job. If you find dying fun, go ahead.
    Tank: This is getting ridiculous. You're running ahead and getting wasted at every group of adds. I've give up trying to rescue you.
    Tank: Your call man.
    Healer: Don't look at me, I'm following the Tank!
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  7. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Yeah I can see that. Like how there are still some idiots who think they can skip the adds in Godseye Pyramid. Yes fly off and die you fools.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not sure they think that they can 'skip' adds, but I've seen a lot of people to rush to the top of the pyramid hitting all the adds then dropping back down so that they all pool up at the bottom. Works ok if you have a tank and probably healer. Not as well if it's 4 dps or 3 dps and a troll. I'm sure this MIGHT save a min of runtime if you don't die, but personally I don't see much point in the practice.

    I mean I'll whack the next group of 2 or 3 adds so that we can fight 2 groups at once, but do we need all 8 or 10 groups at the same time? Meh.
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  9. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Oh yeah I've seen, and done, that. It's a thing of beauty when that happens and you unleash Zoom and watch all those pretty orange numbers appear.

    Unfortunately I have still come across a few who think they can speed all the way to the boss room and end up KO'd. Literally today, I'm working from home so I jumped online before the shutdown to get some stuff done. Got in the alert and one of the other DPS' immediately made a beeline for the first boss room, got KO'd and then didn't even flee and rejoin us. Just sat there KO'd while the rest of us cleaned up the adds.
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  10. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    but. . .but. . .sweaty!!!

    Imma just hang back here & wait for everyone to die so we can do it all again. every. sodding. time.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Eh, I'll respond differently for the group makeup. If we are 'role'd up, it works fine. Let speedy boy go up and trigger everyone. If we are missing tank or heal....we'll see. Generally though, if we do get smooshed, I'll have to drop a cheeky 'well...that worked out' or something.
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  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    on the few occasions I've gone in, it's never been "roled up". & I always drop a " that went well." always. it'd be rude not to.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm confused on what the topic is. I get the idea it's toxic behavior, but I don't know exactly what as the topic is a trail off and nothing in the body says otherwise. :/
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It's simple. He came back and was ridiculed for not knowing how things work now, and wants to stop supporting the game because of it. Even I can decipher that.
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  15. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, likely RavNoc is right, and he was unclear on how things worked after a long absence and got tushhurt when people made fun of him for it a-la "bro...why you got no artis bro?"...or doing dopey things like running ahead and repeat dying, and getting called on it as LT suggests. Chances are we'll never know.

    The follow up was basically a stream of 'maybe this was the issue' thought as the OP didn't really provide that much detail on the 'toxic' acts.
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  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I personally find passive-aggressive vague posts seeking sympathy or attention to be toxic, but...that's the beauty of what "toxic" means. It can mean anything you want it to!
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  18. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

  19. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Hahaha wow. ….. wow. Add to ignore, pm group to leave, leave him/her all alone on their knees, requeue and try again.
  20. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Yeah added to ignore at the end but we just powered through. It was only the normal alert so wasn't too difficult, and the healer was decent. It was close to shutdown for the update so couldn't be bothered re-queuing.