Rebalancing Electricity (Your Suggestions To Devs)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CCBatson, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. iSimply New Player

    *Sigh* it's ALWAYS the dos side that "needs a little more love".
  2. LexDakota New Player

    Not sure of the actual tone of this post, but I do think that the dps side needs a little more love than the healing side. Don't get me wrong, I love the healing side and it can use a few tweaks, but aside from a few things it's pretty solid. The DPS side on the other hand is adequate but has a couple of shortcomings that should be looked at IMO.
  3. Tweek New Player

    Electrics healing side needs its power consumption tweaked and its range extended and a hot would be nice. DPS side really should not have been nerfed as bad as it was.
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Make electricity range like celestial. Change its power consumption. Make electrogenesis last longer and widen range. Change flux to a 4 man shield. Dps wise, buff storm cloud and voltaic bolt. That is it and the power will be fixed.
  5. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    I am electric and have been since it came out. I would love to see a 35% attack and I think electrocute should be an AoE like CoP. Also electrogenesis should be a 8 man heal :)
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  6. Tweek New Player

    update34 is coming out and no loving for electric is on it:( Oh well I guess I won't be playing anytime soon.
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  7. Toxiic Committed Player

    Just a suggestion, Electrocute should have a chance to stun electrified enemies and knock polarized enemies in the air (like Electrostatic Bomb). Not saying it would make Electric better in its damage output but I would be cool in PvP.
  8. LexDakota New Player

    I think arc lightning would be nice if it had some PIs
    like in DPS stance if you hit an electrified enemy you get an additional burst hit to nearby enemies
    or in healer stance you would get an additional burst heal for each electrified target hit. This would make arc a little more interesting as a heal.
  9. Dakota Leon Active Player

    Guys I'm sorry but, I've been electric DPSing for a while and I got to say it doesn't need to be touched. It's a pain that when it comes to burst, it's not all that well, but in nexus, boy oh boy. I have literally top DPS in nexus all the time (besides rage players........ Fix that >_>) . On the other hand, Dox isn't my cup of tea since most of the time it's mainly single target. It I could change one thing about electric is add a really good burst damage, but that might be asking for too much. Electric is great with specific scenarios. At least on the dps side.

    Healer though, I will have to get back to you on that once I solo some raids :)
  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    More sorcery love in GU34, I'm confused didn't sorcery, nature, and celestial get revamped or adjusted for the better respectively.

    Nada on electricity
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  11. ScifiToilet New Player

    Wired CD needs to be the same with electrocute. Bring it in line with other powers with similar DOT + buff clip. Quantum's Gravity Well + Warped reality comes to mind, both have the same CD and the duration is the same as the CD.
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  12. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    i miss the good old days of electricity it use to be really viable

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  13. LexDakota New Player

    Electric DPSing is good but it could use some tweaks *cough* looking at you tesla ball.
    I really enjoy it and people are pleasantly surprised that I do well with it, but I still feel like asking for a few adjustments is within reason.
  14. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Bumping this thread in hopes the Devs will see and comment.
  15. fuchsiafox New Player

    i have been electric for two years and i have had nothing but problems since day one.this was a power we all had to pay to use.main thing i would like to see is a damage boost if it had more damage it would be ok i guess or for the cool down cut in half .just something new its getting old . one of my big problems is that half the time the powers dont work at all nothing happens but it still eats the power up weird. fix electricity .
  16. Avian Dedicated Player

    I don't know if this has been said before, but when I tried out electricity I thought that it was hard to make a consistant rotation due to some of the cooldowns of powers.

    I think it's because that unlike most other powers Electricties electrocute (big AOE) and wire (buff) doesn't share cooldown. Most powers have a rotation that revolve around an aoe clipped with a buff or atleast a dot clipped with a buff.
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  17. ApolloMystique New Player

    electrogenesis needs larger ticks, with a shorter duration and less cooldown...voltaic bold needs to be like mass detonation...a ranged power that hits HARD...but still have it apply dots
  18. ApolloMystique New Player

    tesla ball needs to hit harder and have a longer duration with no split damage...supercharger need to be revamped...the dps supercharges suck...especially for the powercost
  19. Toxiic Committed Player

    I don't know if it can be fixed because its been like this forever but after using Polarization PI you have to wait about 2 seconds before you can cast Electrocute but it works perfectly normal for Attract and Electrostatic Bomb.
  20. Horrorshow New Player

    Dear Developers,

    In regards to Electricity, the community is expressing the need to update this powerset both in DPS and Healer role. The constant remarks and replies I am seeing about electricity is that it does horrible damage and does not have a group shield. Before the Developers nerfed the amount of damage electcirity did with it's ticks, the powerset was pretty good. There did need to be an update but the DPS capabilities compared to gadgets is horrible. Developers, you really need to update the amount of damage electricity does with its ticks and give the powerset a 35% or below health attack, just like every other powerset have.

    Electricity needs the same treatment Nature received a few months ago. The community has spoken and it is time to take action and realize that your community knows what is better for this game than you. I am a very tell it like it is kind of person, but this need to nerf certain powersets and buff other ones is really horrible. Quantum, Earth, and Electricity have horrible DPS capabilities while Gadgets, Hard Light, Celestial, and even Rage are pretty good. It is time to listen to community feedback and make everything at least on the same terms damage wise.

    - Electricity DPS needs to have it's ticks readjusted and receive the same treatment Nature received in the past update.
    - Electricity desperately needs a finisher that will make the powerset at least competitive.
    - Electricity Healing needs a group shield super charge as well as a group shield like all the other healer classes have.

    There are probably more experienced people who can comment on the logistics of this powerset, but Electricity is one of the most sought after powersets. The fact that the Developers are nerfing it to the point of nothing, makes everyone upset. Do something about it instead of walking around with your heads chopped off and saying "We are always looking for feedback about power updates". The community has been asking for this update well before mental and gadgets received an update. The community has been asking for an update for Quantum, Earth, and Electricity in terms of damage and support role mechanics. We don't care if you choose not to update the graphics with these powersets, but the fact that you are outright ignoring the community feedback is outrageous. Players want to use these powerets but can't because you are nerfing them to the point that they are no longer competitive. Stop coming up with excuses and do something about it.

    *Rage pukes all over post and leaves* /end rage.