Really hope this is just 1st day adjustments

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by smlaude, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    Yes pre 47 you solo fos 3, but with cr scaling you could sneeze in fos 3 and win.
  2. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Open episodes right now. People are running content that may have not run in years. Some running content for the first time. Add in the fact that many people are not reading anything about the revanp, about the focus masteries or anything and you will have frustration if you're the only person in the group who has a clue. One person can not carry a lower raid anymore.

    Literally, a leaguemate told another at max CR to read the focus descriptions out loud because it was clear he wanted be given the answer. Everyone wants instant gratification.
  3. UltraVillain Committed Player

    There is one problem here - Content was always dumb but now has Zero reason to exist - open the game up, exploit the significant volume of game play we already have, give players back choice in how and where they spend their time, exploit the variety and diversity the game already has.

    Reward all content in relevant and real ways, empower the player to play the whole game, bring back choice, variety and a semblance of player identity. These are the most effective ways to make people stay and play.
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  4. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Easy answer. None lol. Back around the middle of 2012, I was beginning to solo both fos 1 and fos3 in about 10 to 20 minutes each with t4 gear. T5 gear the following year brought my fos 3 time down to about 5 or 6 minutes. This was all looooooong before gu47 lol. Now, it takes at least twice as long as it did 4 freakin' years ago for me to solo the same low tier raids with gear 3 tiers higher. This revamp is NOTHING like pre gu 47, pre wm, and pre am. Content pre wm really was not hard to begin with. I started soloing outer raid in about 15 to 20 minutes once i started gearing up in t3 gear way back in 2012. Content really isn't any more challenging either. All it really did was make content take at least twice as long to finish as it did circa 2013. Yup. Great move, am I right lol?
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats not it at all derio, a CR200/305sp person should be able to solo wave still but thats not the case
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  6. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    In one post you undermined so many comments that suggested DCUO ever had challenge.
  7. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    No opinion regarding dox or nexus really. I was only able to start soloing dox myself just before gu47 went live. But fos 3 should not take more than 5 or 6 minutes at our current levels for sure. Way back in 2012, I managed to solo it in about 10 to 15 minutes with t4 gear. T5 gear about a year later brought my fos 3 solo time down to about 5 to 6 minutes. This was way back in 2013, long b4 gu47, wm, and am. Now, fos 3 takes at least twice as long to solo in t8 gear than it did in t5 gear 4 years ago lol. No trolling needed. That's just bs
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  8. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    No. Pay attention. I've always maintained that it was never really hard ot difficult. NOT that it never had challenge. There's a BIG difference between being hard and being challenging. Dcuo use to provide a really good challenge without being too difficult for most players. Now, it does not. Even with the revamp. All it does is make most encounters take longer than they did even before gu47 and AMs. It'd be funny and ridiculous how low this game's become if it weren't so sad. It needs to definitely return to what it was pre gu47, but now, it seems, its too late.
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  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I think the difference between the two terms for you is whether or not your experiencing any pleasure.
    Hard = I'm hurting; Challenging = Love the pain

    There doesn't seem to be a difference between the two when you take emotion away from them.
  10. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    All day yesterday people spent more time begging for loadouts over trade chat than trying it out themselves. What was worse was all the people "selling op loadout for _____ power". I tried my best help people understand some of the changes but people (not just in game but in life) would rather be told than to learn.
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  11. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    Dcuo I understand what you trying to do, but after playing this game for 6+ years no one wants to have to build or ask someone to help them with fos, dox nexus and so on. At the high tiers most of us are at now and now being back at beta, what was all the grind, money and time for?

    If my league mate ask me to run him thru dox, and im the only one on I should be able to if im 200 with 300sp with ease. would yall agree?
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  12. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    I don't know, how many end tier players started after AM/WM andh ow many vets are on (I enjoyed DC in other ways not focused on that dumb grind) but will players stay when they know just that OP WM/AM game. How many will stay? Game relly got sad. Today one guy left stabiliser duo because his health decreased so hart. Other guys did the same in seasonal. I have to say I was just respecing and playing some low sp toons on one of my mule accounts, but pugging gets a pain. Even more than it was b4. You had many people who couldn't manage their AM rotation and now they are timewarped in to old time DCUO with softer hitting powers. Running content for my gear level would be fun with my old league, but most players sadly left this game. But with all those new, exploit_hungry players? I give it another try with my main account Saturday and Sunday, but maybe it is just time to go back to solo RPG and wait for another, new superhero mmo... Imo stat clamping would have been a good idea for old content (stats clamped to highest gear of relevancy) but with full rewards - just my two cents. Greetz, Toxic!
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  13. Soulfull New Player

    Instead of people just DPS'ing in lower content play your support role and heal, troll, or tank. I am sure you will get through it without a problem being high cr with proper roles.
  14. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    So far, yes it early and I do reserve the right to change my mind, but overall I say Bravo!!!!

    With the limited time we got to play last night, it was fun tweaking load outs and trying to find variations that worked. Do adjustments need to be made? Probably, that is a two way street though. In SJ for example, Grundy seemed to be a little tough, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. We wiped a couple of times, group members took time after each wipe to adjust, remove, and add powers to their load out until we were successful. YAY TEAM!!!

    Some of the things I really liked:

    Having all my powers available, all the time, no more having to respec because I forgot to put that shield on my load out.

    Trolling - Initially I was anti auto POT, but after playing a little, it now seems trivial...

    Support Roles - Nice to see support roles contributing more than just warm bodies for DPS's to steamroll through content.

    About The Negatives:

    I realize some complain about not being able to solo lower tier content. Questioning if any other games make early content difficult when your at end game. In short, the answer is yes. FF online for example, scales your abilities down when you go into lower tier content so you cannot steamroll it. They purposely lower your available abilities, health, and damage so that content remains challenging.

    I don't want to loose half my power bar in this game. As experience has taught us all, we should be careful what we ask for.
  15. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Lol no. It's when you put emotions in it when you dont see the difference. I'm not looking at things emotionally. I'm looking at things objectively. Objectively, it's rather quite simple.
    Hard=Not fun, not challenging, not enjoyable
    Challenging=Fun, rewarding, and enjoyable

    In truth, they are opposites of each other. This game use to be trully challenging without being too hard. Now, it's still not hard per se, but everything's become so tedious with nothing truly challenging that it has become so tedious and boring and hard on many players to continue. Fact of the matter is the revamp, which should have brought us back to pre gu 47, you might say, actually brought us back to alpha lol. It now takes longer to complete older tiers than it did in 2013 when players were 3 to 4 tiers lower lol, and 2013 was looooooong before gu47 and AMs were a thing. That's just stupid bs. What's the point of progression when there's no actual progression. This revamp is a regression of sorts that doesn't really bring the good challenge back to this game.
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  16. DAangerGrey Level 30

    Errrr actually there isn't really a big difference between those two words. Just sayin
  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    A few other games do it, yes, but most do not. Even WOW lets you walk in and steam roll old stuff. They have walk ins for that very purpose actually. It's what a lot of players have fun doing. Its old content. Fewer players play it than end game content. Shouldn't take long to get through at all.
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  18. Sooner Well-Known Player

    I understand that you had a lot of whiners complaining and pushing DayBreak for stat clamping on older content. Yes, I feel as a development team, you could have found another way to allow higher CRs into lower tier content without "fraternizing" with those that wanted stat clamping. I know finances, development team size, bad architecture for the product, etc all play into it, but a way could have been found.

    But what we have now would be similar to a Collegiate 135 lb Wrestler stepping onto the mat with a middle school 135 lb never before/learning wrestler and expect the collegiate wrestler not to pin the kid quickly but go at least 4-5 minutes struggling to pin the kid. In the real world, lower tiers should be easier and "one shottable" because the higher tiers individuals are now more experienced/powerful. In the "perception" that is given ie. stronger characters need to be clamped in older material, is that an Engineer should still have trouble with basic algebra when he graduates from college. The reward of getting to higher tiers is that you can steamroll older content for fun and actually feel like a "hero" that's been in the biz for awhile.
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  19. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Uhm, actually, there is. Things can be challenging but still be extremely easy. Things can be hard but not challenging at all. I'll go to Webster to define it for you if you want.

    Challenging-Difficult in a way that is usually interesting or enjoyable
    Hard-Difficult to experience: severe or harsh: having a lot of pain, trouble, or worries

    Those are definitions straight from the dictionary and there's a very clear difference lol. There's only no difference when you get emotional and stop thinking objectively.
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  20. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    ...i'm not feeling so super at the moment! A group of 200s and up (to include healer and troll) just quit WC cause it was ridiculous. I'm all for balancing and whatever, cool with no AM as well, but we got our tails handed to us by the 1st boss. 36 hrs ago... it was fun. There is no way nerfing NPCs and players equal out to getting smacked around. Nothing should be different but relatively the same as you mentioned, earlier Mepps. But it is different.

    Play more PS4!
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